My deepest condolences to you Paul.
They painted my parking spot Handicapped, and then Towed away My CAR !!!
Thats your car?
Why was it filmed…security camera?
Obvious security footage. On motion sensor.
Doesn’t look like a fake.
Bureacracy for you! lol brutal man… Appeal the ticket and the fine, and have them pay you compensation.
For the money ($20). Buy a roller and some black or grey exterior concrete paint.
Paint over the B.S. they painted today, and continue parking in your regular spot.
Fight the ticket in court. In fact, fight ANY ticket you get in court.
Handicap areas require a sign and the paint must be blue, not white. Even the logo looks strange. Go check the laws for your state, but that paint job looks hinkey.
Handicap areas require a sign and the paint must be blue, not white. Even the logo looks strange. Go check the laws for your state, but that paint job looks hinkey.
It’s Israel, not the US.
I hope she fights it. Many questions come to mind: 1) Why is moped parking allowed next to a handicap spot? That wouldn’t happen. 2) It looks to me like the car behind the one towed is parked in a no parking area. What’s up with that?
Additionally, I can’t recall seeing a handicap spot on the street unless it’s in a residential area. I wonder if they clean they paint off later or something.
Oh, and it’s discomforting to know that tow drivers (the independent ones that prowl around like this) are pieces of shit no matter where you go.
fight the system
yea from any wooded area, after you burned your car… :-D
Holy crap! I saw that video on yahoo news! :-o