I think what Tigerman posted is how it worked in the older rule set (Holland becomes pro allies if/when Paris falls). That rule set also had Holland start as a strict neutral, and if any Dutch territory was attacked by the axis, or if Paris falls then all Dutch territories become pro allied allowing them to be activated or reinforced by the allies. I believe the new rule set has the Dutch and English allied, so you would have the option to reinforce if Holland is still in Dutch hands (see later). In the older rule set you also had to activate each territory individually, not just move into one of them and get them all. The FEC wasn’t given all the DEI if Holland (or Paris) was taken, the FEC and Anz had to go in to claim each island (I think). There is also more Dutch navy in the Pacific then before, and you roll for them now (which is cool).
The main issue of the old rules to me was because of turn order the Japanese could start taking the DEI on their first turn w/o any consequences (by rule they could attack any strict or pro allied neutral w/o going to war w/UK). The Japanese started grabbing a couple of the Dutch Islands on J1 (1939), before the UK/Anz could get there to activate them for them selves (forcing a DOW by the Japanese). There was also no link between the Dutch and the Brits that would require a Japanese DOW on the UK to invade the DEI.
I liked how the mechanics worked in the old rules regarding the Dutch as far as how the FEC/Anz needed to activate each island individually to claim income and units (slower process), instead of how the new rules just give all the income to the FEC if/when Holland falls (which is rare now), or any DEI territory is attacked (which is also delayed until Japan goes to war w/UK). Maybe the allies need this early, instant influx of income going to the FEC from the DEI in the newer rules to balance the game though (IDK).
In the new rules I haven’t looked at the UK reinforcing Holland if the Germans don’t take it G1. The Dutch and English are allied so I believe you have that option, but it sounds like the Dutch would stay Dutch (not activated as UK units), and wouldn’t be able to join the UK units in an attack, they would only defend (which seems off to me if the UK actually moved ground units over some how). I’m also not sure it would be a good idea to reinforce Holland being that close to the German machine.
I think we need to blend some of the old rules w/the new to make it work. Maybe the Dutch (Holland) needs to go back to being a pro allied neutral w/stings attached to UK (see later).
If the Germans take the Dutch capital, then you roll for the ships to see which are scuttled, and which remain in Dutch control to be turned over to the FEC/Anz later (maybe allow axis to get some, but it could get weird in the Pacific IMO). The UK (FEC/Anz) would need to activate each Dutch island individually (if capital is taken) to gain the income and absorb the units (includes surviving ships next to those islands). Orig Dutch units defend only (until absorbed), but their units and ships can move to any orig Dutch territory or sz adjacent to it with in movement range.
If the Germans forgo taking Holland then the UK can fully activate the Dutch by NCM a UK ground unit into the the Dutch capital (bmr transport?). If UK activates Holland (capital), then all the DEI instantly become FEC (income), along with the units on them, or ships next to them (ships aren’t rolled for in this case, they are turned over to the FEC). (Maybe similar capital rules as above could work for all neutrals that have more then one territory?)
You could also allow the UK a liberation option w/Holland. If in the event the Germans take Holland (capital), but the UK is able to liberate it then any of the Dutch territories and units that are still Dutch fully join the UK/FEC. They basically become like Free French and all income and units go to UK in Europe, and FEC in the Pacific (you could leave them as Dutch, but they act like the English in every way).
**This will at least force the Germans to attack Holland G1 (to keep the DEI from fully becoming FEC if UK activates Holland), and if you use the liberation option the Euro axis would also have to keep Holland reinforced too (at least until Japan gets going).
You also need to have a Dutch/UK alliance in place that would force the Japanese to DOW w/UK (FEC) if they start invading the DEI. Would be simple because the Dutch Royalty fled to England (unlike the French that formed the Vichy Gov). So if Holland is attacked or activated then you treat all Dutch possessions as if they are UK politically, and a DOW w/UK would be needed for the Japanese to invade the DEI. I don’t think it would be in Japans best interest to have the Germans delay attacking Holland G1, allowing the UK the opportunity to fully activate the Dutch capital. I think the Japanese would fear all the DEI (income and units) instantly becoming FEC just so they could grab an island or two (maybe I’m wrong).
**If you think there is a possible loophole above then just say the Dutch, English & French have an alliance from the beginning, and if the Dutch are in control of their capital the UK (and French if Paris doesn’t fall) would consider a Japanese invasion of the DEI as an act of war against them all. The Japanese would be able to invade the French territories J1, because the French capital (Paris) is generally in axis hands on G1 (invoking the Vichy rule bypassing the alliance).
I do still feel there are some short comings on bypassing the Maginot line through Holland, and not having those units available to capture Paris on G1. Maybe the intent was for Paris to fall on G2 instead of G1, but that doesn’t seem right either why would you wait? Two options have come up that basically give you a 3rd impulse.
(Garg) Allowing all units that attack Holland a second attack at the end of the 1st impulse. A special rule just for Holland, that would allow you to use units that attacked Holland to also clear Reims from the north, bypassing the Mag line. You then would have those same units available to participate in the 2nd impulse to attack Paris.
Allowing all mechanized units to participate in a second battle at the end of the 1st impulse (mech/tanks and air not involved in the first battle). This would do similar as above, but might have an effect on other battles as well.
A high bread of both 1 & 2 to allow only mechanizes units that attacked Holland to go on to a second battle in the 1st impulse. This would also allow you to use those units to clear Reims from the north in the first impulse (bypass the Mag line) and you could then NCM inf from W Germany into German occupied Reims for the Paris assault in the 2nd impuse. Might need to swap some inf in W Germany for mech/tanks in both options 2 & 3.
** Could also rule in for all 3 options that when attacking Reims G1 through Holland (not coming through the Mag line) that all French units are caught off guard and def -1.