• Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    ~~I HATE to do this, but it needs to be done to protect AA.org’s reputation, and more importantly players of the A&A community.

    I’ve officially requested Djensen to remove FMG ad’s until FMG formally restarts doing business - resolving outstanding accounts, or acknowledges that they are closing their doors for good.

    Many of us have defended FMG repeatedly for MONTHS, and FMG -was- a reputable outfit, but for reasons as posted, FMG has officially gone AWOL, and these ad’s now only serve to injure members of the community.

    Please protect AA.org, and players of the A&A community, and remove FMG ad’s until their situation is resolved.

    I’ve followed up with a PM to David~~


    I have repealed this request. Per FMG responding.

  • Sponsor

    Although I am a fan of Jeremy and FMG, It seems wrong to allow new A&A.org conscripts to make purchases from FMG, while there are still many members here demanding refunds.

  • Pouring more salt into the wounds of FMG is wrong. They got wiped out by a fraudulent Chinese company and let the people who have money lost deal with them. Don’t need more people who have not lost anything from them complaining for people they could not care about.

    HBG has already took it upon themselves to grant credits for whomever lost money for orders not filled.

    I had German sets on pre-order for the longest time, and HBG gave me credit for this. They will do the same for you too.

    Just leave it alone, it will take care of itself.

  • '12

    Although I am a fan of Jeremy and FMG, It seems wrong to allow new A&A.org conscripts to make purchases from FMG, while there are still many members here demanding refunds.

    I have to agree.  Great people, great products.  But you do have to return emails and calls in order to get NEW business.

  • '10


    Pouring more salt into the wounds of FMG is wrong. They got wiped out by a fraudulent Chinese company and let the people who have money lost deal with them. Don’t need more people who have not lost anything from them complaining for people they could not care about.

    HBG has already took it upon themselves to grant credits for whomever lost money for orders not filled.

    I had German sets on pre-order for the longest time, and HBG gave me credit for this. They will do the same for you too.

    Just leave it alone, it will take care of itself.

    Yes, I have been given credit with HBG for the full amount I spent with FMG including shipping. Considering the whole FMG deal with the Chinese has gone bust, I think that this was a great option. We are all indebted to HBG for stepping up like they have.

  • What were the terms of the FMG advertising contact with the site owner ?

    There should be some clauses that cover termination of the deal by either side.

  • WOW , the FMG adds here are very prominent …

  • I’m quote sure the only thing is to let the sponsorship run its term. Probably no language to the effect of early termination.

  • Sponsor


    I’m quote sure the only thing is to let the sponsorship run its term. Probably no language to the effect of early termination.

    And like Dave mentioned in another thread, FMG did help him when he needed it. I just hope that the new customers are getting the service they pay for, because I endorsed FMG by dropping their name several times in my YouTube videos. Are there any positive testimonies about recent service from FMG out there? That might call off the dogs.

  • '10


    Pouring more salt into the wounds of FMG is wrong. They got wiped out by a fraudulent Chinese company and let the people who have money lost deal with them. Don’t need more people who have not lost anything from them complaining for people they could not care about.

    HBG has already took it upon themselves to grant credits for whomever lost money for orders not filled.

    I had German sets on pre-order for the longest time, and HBG gave me credit for this. They will do the same for you too.

    Just leave it alone, it will take care of itself.

    Thanks IL.    If anyone wants to see FMG gone forever, then please take the suggested course of action.  Note my badges….  Have I not supported this community when things were good?  When TripleA or .ORG needed funds or support was I not there?  Does FMGC not run at a financial loss each year to benifit those who attend?  Did FMG not spawn a whole new industry that you all enjoy and that is carried on my HBG and IWNGU and more?

    I will respect David’s decision either way.

  • Nothing worse than ‘fear peddlers’ who have no stake in an outcome just stirring up problems because they suck.

    What is worse is people who think they speak for others, but don’t.

    The only victim in the situation is FMG, but i suspect they wont be sending money to China.

  • Sponsor

    For the record, I have always received my orders from FMG with excellent service, and although I have not pre-ordered any of the problematic German units, I’ve never needed a refund or credit from FMG, for services or products not rendered.

    That said, I admit to having concerns this past month about the absence of a FMG representative here on the forums. I never promoted taking their ads off the site, but I was worried about the reputation of FMG, and therefore posted my concerns.

    Yes… it may not be any of my business, especially if I’m not owed anything, but I do care about FMG. I know that the guys there are decent people, and to hear others on these forums demanding a response because they have been ignored, troubles me. Not because I declare myself their spokesman, but because it was embarrassing as a supporter.

    I have friends who say to me “where can I get those cool dice”, and I tell them “FMG, but don’t order them yet because I’m not sure weather or not you will lose your money”. That’s not an unfair assumption considering that no one has heard from you in weeks.

    I am very happy that you have come back, and have responded to these threads. I can’t imagine what you are going through right now, but when people offer their help, you need to take the time and respond to them, even if just to say “no thanks, we’re good”.

    I think what sucks most, is that we really miss your conversations about playing Axis and Allies. I understand that you must be really busy with the day to day of FMG, but it will be great to see a time when you’re here giving us strategy advice rather than defending your business.

    Wishing FMG all the best, and looking forward to the convention in the fall.

  • '12

    Very well said Young Grasshopper and I concur.  I don’t recall seeing anyone post anything that implied a wish FMG has anything but success.  I have to disagree with IL.  Posting valid concerns is not ‘fear peddling’ and labeling such people as ‘those who suck’ is anything but helpful moreover, I do believe that looking out for newbies is a right thing to do, speaking out for others both FMG and new users is a proper thing to do for forum members.

    Great to see life back at FMG!  I sure do like my dice!

  • I don’t recall seeing anyone post anything that implied a wish FMG has anything but success.  I have to disagree with IL.

    But what other conclusion can you reach? I could have won money if i bet and next time i will.

    “…a wish FMG has anything but success” does not equal “Please remove FMG Ad’s from site.”

    Advocation is to reduce what business he has, How exactly is this a wish for success?

    Great to see life back at FMG!

    yea until more people pour salt in their wounds and tell others they should have their sponsorship revoked…How irresponsible can that be?

    But then again that wish was for their success…

  • Sponsor

    Given the turbulent history between IL and Gargantua, I’m guessing IL’s rage is not directed fully at Mr.MC and myself.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I’ve defended FMG on multiple occassions, offered ideas, and monetary support aswell.

    It is my full intention to see FMG succeed.

    That said - it took a request to “pull the ads” just to get FMG to respond to several complainants who had not recieved their orders for months.

    It turns out this was all because of a problem with international air-mail shipments.  And also a problem with NO COMMUNICATION from FMG, resulting in broken buyer and community confidence.

    The result of my official request?

    FMG has alleviated the concerns of the community, directly spoken with disgruntled customers, relieving their concerns, and public confidence has been restored.

    Holding Jeremy publically accountable - so that he can deliver, and establish the aformentioned is doing more for FMG than anything you’ve done IL.

    I understand Jeremy doesn’t want to deal with FMG’s problems, but by generating enough public pressure to ensure the necessary attention is paid to the company - results in it’s success.

    No need to thank me - just doing my part. ;)

    Request repealed.

  • Blah Blah Blah…

    it took a request to “pull the ads” just to get FMG to respond to several complainants

    No rather this is how you package it. The people who had problems can just get credits from HBG…like they did months ago. You are not representing anybody and you have no business with FMG and are not owed anything…and care nothing for anybody but yourself.

    All you did was damage somebodies else’s reputation…and their business with your irresponsible threads/posts.

    You make the mistake of creating this thread, get flack from it by the community, now hide back under the bed because you failed again.

    What a stupid spam thread…should have been pulled from day one. Chalk it up to another bad night of rest for Gargantua and somebody paying the price.

  • '12

    Garg has offered constructive suggestions for FMG in the resent past.  Taking a friend to task for bad behaviour is hardly wishing ill of your friend.  Sometimes its hard for some people to understand the distinction.  Not responding to customer inquires is bad behaviour.  A friend taps you on the shoulder and politely points out a foible and now all is well.  Long live FMG.

    I think David mentioned something about a pre-paid goody kit from FMG for the FMG convention.  I think that’s a heck of an idea!  Perhaps some special ‘pay-for-swag’ products like t-shirts etc. could be explored as pre-paid goodies.

    IL, turning this into a forum to lash out at Garg is shameful quite frankly.

  • Of course on time and predictable.

    I just won $100 bucks on this bet.

    Next time i want “nothing but success” for somebody I’ll tell them to remove their pre paid sponsorship for advertisement of their business. I will broadcast this intention to the public in the attempt to shame them into “success”.

    Excellent concept.

    And to have somebody who themselves have no money or order stuck in limbo when HBG already accepts full credit for FMG orders ( which is how the problem was settled) gives us the solution that it should be left to take care of itself like i stated. He already did harm to them and you can’t just edit the thread to fix it. Jesus Christ how freaking ridiculous and naive can some people be?

    You making excuses for this is shameful quite frankly.

  • '10

    Peace my brothers!!!  It saddens me to see an argument between you caused by ME!

    IL;  Thank you for defending me but I may have needed a “kick in the pants” to bring me back to reality.  I admit things have not been great, and we are working to correct them.

    Had a GREAT meeting with Aaron on Sunday to finalize our action plan for turning this thing around.  We have made our recovery plan and look forward to the hard upward climb to get out of this bomb crater…  There is light at the end of the tunnel!!  And we may be able to pull this thing off.

    But please, lets keep the solidarity of our members here.



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