Think about the act.
The people who suffered from the suicide are the people who cared about her. Her parents, her friends (some of which are also my friends).
Like I said - I’m privy to more information that the media is releasing. The warning signs were there for a long time, and many people tried to make things right for this individual. Obviously it didn’t happen fast enough. But the people who tried to help are the ones left with the tragedy now. I take issue with that and that is the way I see it.
For the records
1. I acknowledge this is a tragedy
2. I acknowlege that amanda was tormented by people who make me sick.
3. I don’t see how striking out at the people who love you, by hanging yourself in their closet so they can find you helps.
4. I conclude that my sympathies and prayers are with her family and friends - people who didn’t deserve this.
Like YG (though not to the same extent) I’ve been here before with a friend who I knew was on the ledge of killing themselves. I did absolutely everything I could possibly do to avert this disaster - and so did other people. Hell I slept in their bedroom on suicide watch on several occassions. But it happend anyways. Leaving all the innocent people along the way hurt. Hence my bitterment with this process. Atleast I wasn’t the one that discovered them in the basement.
At the end of the day the right response to -suffering- isn’t to lash out at the people trying to help you? Is it? That is a despicable and cowardly act IMO.
My sympathies and prayers are with Amanda’s family and friends - IMO those are victims. Amanda’s choice has put some of them (Her mother in particular) at risk of suicide as well. The suicide is quite literally an act of bullying in and of itself - and targets the wrong people.
Thus I vomit at the thought of anyone who defends this act which has led to the misery of the innocent.
How can I have sympathy or respect for that? Other options were available for Amanda. Lots of them. She didn’t conciously didn’t choose them. :S and now we all suffer the tragedy.
To make matters worse the next criminal act is the promotion of the event by the premier, who’s using this as a political token to attempt to get re-elected. Disgusting.
Each and every person on this site probably knows that if anything happend to them -regardless- of whatever it was that I would support them 100% and do whatever I personally could for them. Help them get a job, or give them advice, or fly out and see them if that is what it took. That’s just a fact. And that is how I choose to treat people everyday.
Right now in a small way I have to clean up my part of the mess that Amanda has left emotionally on my roomates who are taking this toll pretty hard. Her problem is now my problem - and my friends are hurting for it. Am I supposed to feel sorry for that?
Am I still going to have to feel sorry for Amanda, if this leads to her mother killing herself? Because it might? And then how are we all supposed to feel for Amanda’s brother. Do we let him kill himself too and say it was ok by giving our sympathy? Answer me that question Robbie? Personally I think the answer is NO.
I have always respected the opinions of others, and totally support the canvas in which all may speak freely on their views (and trust me when I say that I have been ridiculed for my own beliefs many times). However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t disagree with someone, and in this case I strongly disagree with you. Suicide leaves a lot of pain behind, I know… my father committed suicide, and I once had your perception that those that throw away life, are not worth the life that they were given in the first place. However, I no longer feel that way, and for my own reasons… I now believe something different about suicide. I’m not declaring one opinion right or wrong, because our different opinions are right for each of us at this point in our lives. The fact is, you just called a young tormented girl a coward. It’s OK if you don’t have sympathy, but what about empathy for those that do? I love your edge, and controversial philosophies, but a loss is a loss… and everyone in this forum has been effected by suicide. Would you wave a Muslim flag at ground zero the day after 9/11?
YG thank you for your comments and support of open expression, I feel for your loss :S you’ve dealt with this issue on a level I cannot begin to imagine, so I’m going to put -alot- of thought into everything you have said. To begin though, I will say I also felt no sympathy for 9/11 suicide bombers. People who’s suicide also led to the suffering of the innocent (though in a much different and almost uncomparable way)
Clyde I also appreciate where you are coming from, you’re also probably 100% right. I shouldn’t be so directly honest with people for their own emotional protection. Especially so close to such a tragic event. But as the person probably closest to it on this site, it’s important to acknowledge which lessons we should choose to learn here.
This event started as despicable and disgusting bullying/torment. It was wrong, and it was being combatted (though not enough). But this event was not a tragedy -until- Amanda killed herself. On tuesday night, another beautiful life in this world was still ahead of us - with so much potential. Amanda chose to take that life from everyone. :S I will not sympathize with this kind of self-murder.