I’m finding it’s not even usually worth transporting the ones you start with, with the USA, across the Atlantic. Better to buy arty, mech, tanks to go across than to ship the free starting ones over. Anybody had the same thoughts?
I have also never bothered shipping over an AA gun. One of the big problems with it is that you can only move them in NCM. If I could bring them in with my invasion force, I might consider it so they would be there on defense.
Every unit has a reason to buy it, even if your odds of doing it in a game are perhaps 1%. Once in a while the battle calculator will tell you that you can squeeze out a small extra chance to defend if you have an AA gun instead of some other unit (this usually only happens if you’re defending a minor IC. It’s highly dependent on what you expect to get hit with. The other reason to buy it is just pure luck. If you happen to hit with every shot, then that can be hugely damaging to your opponent. Even if you don’t hit with everything, you still have a ~40% chance of getting at least one hit if you’re making three rolls. That takes a plane off the board while you still have the AA gun to lose as a casualty. Again, depending on the makeup of the attacking force, that could swing the odds significantly in your favor.
That being said the unit can certainly be improved. For starters, I’d lift the restriction on being only able to move it NCM. I presume that’s there for some kind of realism
on the pretext that you can’t set it up to be used on the attack. However, if you can bring artillery on an attack, no reason AA couldn’t come as well. Make it so they can be taken as losses but don’t get to roll if you have to.