• When can we see more of these offered at reasonable prices? Everywhere I’ve looked they are either sold out or priced like gold.

  • @Der:

    Everywhere I’ve looked they are either sold out or priced like gold.Â

    The Italian tanks from Anniversary are probably even rarer and more expensive.  But anyway, note that a new edition of Europe1940 and Pacific1940 will be coming out in about six weeks.  They’ll include tactical bombers and mechanized infantry.

  • @CWO:


    Everywhere I’ve looked they are either sold out or priced like gold.�Â

    The Italian tanks from Anniversary are probably even rarer and more expensive.  But anyway, note that a new edition of Europe1940 and Pacific1940 will be coming out in about six weeks.  They’ll include tactical bombers and mechanized infantry.

    Along with new Italian and ANZAC sculpts, apparently… though strangely enough, I’ve heard no hint of new French sculpts…

  • Customizer


    Along with new Italian and ANZAC sculpts, apparently… though strangely enough, I’ve heard no hint of new French sculpts…

    I’ll be anxious to see what they come up with in new Italian and ANZAC sculpts. I sure hope they upgrade the French too. I really don’t like them having to use blue Soviet equipment. I’d like to see the Frenchies get their own stuff.

  • @knp7765:


    Along with new Italian and ANZAC sculpts, apparently… though strangely enough, I’ve heard no hint of new French sculpts…

    I’ll be anxious to see what they come up with in new Italian and ANZAC sculpts. I sure hope they upgrade the French too. I really don’t like them having to use blue Soviet equipment. I’d like to see the Frenchies get their own stuff.

    Me too, but it may take a few more editions (or a few more new games) before ANZAC and Italy and France get a full set of domestic equipment, based on the evolution we’ve seen for Britain and Russia.  In the Milton Bradley game, the only nation-specific designs were the troop pieces.  When the original AA Europe and AA Pacific came out, the U.S., Germany and Japan each got a full set of domestic equipment (even though the German fighter was actually a dive-bomber and the German field artillery piece was actually an anti-aircraft gun), and they’ve continued to do so ever since (except in the odd case of AA 1941).  The UK and the USSR haven’t been so lucky.  Britain started out in the original AA Europe and AA Pacific with a mix of American and British pieces, and Russia started out with an even stranger mix of American, British and Russian pieces.  China got the worst deal of all in the original Pacific: it just got infantry units, and the sculpts were Russian designs.  Since then, along with the gradual introduction of new piece types for everyone except China (cruisers, tac bombers, half-tracks and nation-specific AAA units), we’ve seen Britain’s and Russia’s foreign pieces gradually being replaced with domestic ones.  Hopefully ANZAC and Italy and France are next in line to get domestic upgrades, starting with the new editions of Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940.  ANZAC could certainly use its own infantry sculpt, and Italy’s in the strange position of being the only country to ever get a “domestic downgrade” to its equipment, with its domestic tank in Anniversary being replaced with a German one in Europe 1940.

  • I’m just a little frustrated that I can now find obscure things like Italian panzerfaust troops and hungarian self propelled artillery when the basic staple units needed to run the game (mech and tac)  continue to be sold out or priced at $2.50 each. :(

  • @Der:

    I’m just a little frustrated that I can now find obscure things like Italian panzerfaust troops and hungarian self propelled artillery when the basic staple units needed to run the game (mech and tac)  continue to be sold out or priced at $2.50 each. :(

    Yes, many people feel the same way.  For example:


  • Heh heh - that was hilarious!  :lol:

  • For me it’s still the blue Russian naval units that are MY biggest pet peeve.  The Russian tanks, mechs, and planes (except for the Pe-8) are similar-looking enough to what true French pieces would look like from a distance at this scale, that it doesn’t bother me much… but those Russian naval units in French blue just never cease to irritate me with their jarring “out-of-placeness” (I know, its not a real word, but I couldn’t think of a better one tonight…)

  • The video was funny as hell.

    Blue Russians make me sad. It’s might be the worse thing WotC has done to the game. Please please please can we get a fix for it. Blue Brits, Blue Americans would be better than Blue Russians

  • @Yavid:

    Blue Brits, Blue Americans would be better than Blue Russians

    I dunno -it does get pretty cold in Russia.

  • @Der:


    Blue Brits, Blue Americans would be better than Blue Russians

    I dunno -it does get pretty cold in Russia.

    See and I was thinking that the Purges had to be depressing. And don’t forget in Russia we tell you when it’s winter (joke on Revised NA Russian player picks when it’s winter)

  • Heh heh - I was never familiar with NAs - now I’m glad. Since we got off on colors, I always thought yellow Japanese was a bit racist.

  • @Der:

    Heh heh - I was never familiar with NAs - now I’m glad. Since we got off on colors, I always thought yellow Japanese was a bit racist.Â

    I read somewhere that larry said he thought the yellow japanese was abit racist it’s why he changed it.

    1. Russian Winter
    Russia’s greatest ally was its winter cold. Germany’s invasion stopped dead as the snows came down.
    Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a severe winter. Until the start of your
    next turn, your infantry defend on a 3.

    In Russia we tell you when it’s winter.

  • @Yavid:

    In Russia we tell you when it’s winter.

    Wow…I could see maybe a random die roll but that’s a bit much. The Japanese should then be able to tell you when your men got malaria.

  • @Yavid:

    I read somewhere that larry said he thought the yellow japanese was abit racist it’s why he changed it.

    Well, actually in the Far East, yellow is considered the traditional color of royalty, just as purple is in the West.  It goes back to very ancient Chinese tradition (which has been a huge influence on Japan, which by WW2 was the only remaining Asian “imperial power” in both the sense of still having an ancient imperial line and the sense of having aspirations of empire beyond its traditional borders.)  So I’d think that yellow would be a perfect color for Japan, especially as their infantry uniform color was too close to US OD green to use.  The only other [basic] color to make any sense at all would be red, which is prominent in the various Japanese flags; but note the prominent yellow in the imperial crysanthimum seal… plus red makes more sense as a color for the commies (who also had a uniform color too close to US OD green…)

    So I don’t think using yellow is a racist color for the Japanese at all; of the basic primary & secondary color options, it’s clearly the logical choice.  I guess the burnt orange is OK, but yellow would be better, I think.

  • Mine are all painted yellow - I think it’s closer to an earth color to match the other nations and it looks better.

  • I like the burnt orange (current) over the yellow but that might be just me, Clown Nose Red was Horrible. My complaint is from Yellow to Red to Burnt Orange. can we pick one and stick with it please? Same goes for USSR and UK to a lesser degree.

  • @Yavid:

    I like the burnt orange (current) over the yellow but that might be just me, Clown Nose Red was Horrible. My complaint is from Yellow to Red to Burnt Orange. can we pick one and stick with it please? Same goes for USSR and UK to a lesser degree.

    Well, given that HBG is planning a very full line-up of Japanese pieces in all three colors, it looks to me like we’re all going to get our wish!  I’ll probably buy several sets in all three, just as I have pre-ordered several sets of all four colors of his upcoming EW Soviets.  I hope he does an equally good line-up of French units (INCLUDING NAVAL UNITS AT LAST!), and then some great sets of UK units in an equally wide range of colors… followed by some late-war Soviets in all four colors and late-war Americans in at least two… Then we’ll finally have the full range of options. But that seems to be his plan, near as I can figure.  If so, in another year or two we’ll be there at last!  After waiting 20 years for such options, a couple more years isn’t so bad a time to wait.  Go HBG!

    Meanwhile, whatever happened to FMG?  I wish FMG and HBG would coordinate better.  Looks like they’re both doing a Tiger I, right after AH finally did one, while neither is doing a Panther.  And why is FMG doing both Tiger I and Tiger II?  I thought they were going to do a “heavy” and a “light” for each country?  Seeing as HBG is doing Panzer IV and Tiger, it would make so much more sense for FMG to do Panther and Tiger II!

  • I wouldn’t mind the new units if they would stay stocked up on the staple units first.

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