David's Opening the Box Video Now Posted

  • It’s on the site’s homepage.  Nicely produced video, with useful shots of all the pieces laid out for each country.

  • My god that music is annoying :p

    I’m damn curious about the rules! Something have changed or simplified

  • After seeing the video, the naval units look pretty nice.

  • setup, rules? gimme!

  • Yeah!

  • im personaly PISSED at the tiger tank os japans, and the is-2 used for ALL the allies

  • also it looks like the fighter is re used for usa and brittan and russia…

  • Sponsor

    im personaly PISSED at the tiger tank os japans, and the is-2 used for ALL the allies

    Seems cheap. I might have been interested, but WOTC are making things too “affordable.” The game needs to stay classy. They could have used more unique pieces for each nation and I hope that the other pieces to the game (like roundels) are of a quality worthy of A&A.

  • For $20, I think 16 new molds is a bargain.

    Also, the new 1942 will be $45 or so, not $60. Order it here:


    Remember inflation and prices. When Axis & Allies was selling back in the mid-late 1990’s it was a $40 game. Gas was $1.10, a stamp was $0.32, and a dozen eggs were about $1.16

    Prices have gone up for everything, and yet we are still getting quality games for a decent price.

  • Oh, I definitely agree about supporting your local store. Just pre-ordered 1941 for $28 at my local store a couple hours ago, actually.

    I’m just posting cheaper prices to avert the wave of complaints from people posting about “A&A 1942 2nd is not worth the $60 I paid” when they bought it at their local game store.

    It goes both ways, either you pay higher prices at your local store to support them (which I do) or you buy it cheaper online. But don’t intentionally pay higher prices and then complain about the value per dollar.

    (None of the above is intended at cromwell_dude - he’s a great guy in my book)

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    When you think about what you get for $20 or $30 compared to what you get for $40 or $60, this game is a bargain and if it means the Japanese have tigers, so be it. You also have to remember this game is for a larger audience now. When I first started playing, I didn’t know the difference between a tiger and a sherman.

    You’re a die hard Axis & Allies fan right? I have a solution for you
    1. Go to you closet, or where ever you keep your A&A games.
    2. Pull out the version that has the Japanese tanks you like the most.
    3. Remove the tanks from that game.
    4. Use them in 1941

    You could also try to get your own plastic pieces made and see just how expensive it can get. The economy of scale wins out here for a cheap game for new comers and experienced players alike.


    im personaly PISSED at the tiger tank os japans, and the is-2 used for ALL the allies

  • Again, it’s $20 - which is approximately a couple meals at McDonalds.

    For that, you get a good quality board, and some great pieces to supplement the rest of your A&A games. Do what I do, and store your pieces together (at least all the post 2004 games, when A&A standardized colors. I tried to convince people a few years back that colors wouldn’t change in the foreseeable future, but no one listened…) I have Italian tanks from Anniversary on the same board as Hellcats from Guadalcanal, and they all provide a little extra realism. Obviously (no bias here!  :wink: I have a ton of HBG pieces on the board that totally rock it), but to complain about this game at this price point is foolish.

    Would you rather have preferred a re-run of the 1942 1st edition pieces, minus artillery? I wouldn’t…

  • Yeah to me the big selling point is you could set this thing up and show a friend how to play the simple version of the game.  If they like it you can pervert them into an axis & allies addict so that you will have someone to play Global with later on.    That’s worth 20 or 30 bucks and you get a few nice ships and a handful of tiger tanks for Germany as a bonus.  You’re just going to use your nice collection of pieces from the other games or FMG/HBG anyway.

  • @djensen:

    1. Go to you closet, or where ever you keep your A&A games.
    2. Pull out the version that has the Japanese tanks you like the most.
    3. Remove the tanks from that game.
    4. Use them in 1941

    I’m planning to do pretty much the reverse:

    1. Buy the 1941 game (from my local store, which I like to support)
    2. Extract the sculpts from the 1941 box (which will then go into my closet).
    3. Add the sculpts to the plastic tackle boxes in which I organize and store my A&A sculpt collection.
    4. Use them in Global 1940 and variations thereof.

    I see the 1941 game basically as an inexpensive source of new sculpt designs which are highly compatible for use alongside the A&A sculpts I already have.  At the price at which it’s being sold, I have no complaints.  I’ll probably pick up several copies, in fact – but the number of extras I get will depend on what’s in next month’s release of the new 1942 game.  WotC has announced what the new sculpts in that one will supposedly be, but it’s not clear if the other ones will be traditional Global 1940-style sculpts or if they’ll be the shared sculpts from this month’s 1941 game.  I guess we’ll know in about a month when David gets his review copy of that one.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    There might be some issues around my review copy of 1942 2nd Edition. I’ll be on vacation when I estimate that I’ll receive the game.  :-(

  • Customizer


    There might be some issues around my review copy of 1942 2nd Edition. I’ll be on vacation when I estimate that I’ll receive the game.  :-(

    You will have the game diverted to your vacation destination.
    How are you expected to enjoy your vacation knowing that there is a new game sitting in your mailbox at home?

  • They’ll get my 20 $……cause I’m an addict!!!

    Yes it is good to take it to game nite at the library, as quick or even quicker than risk.

  • @djensen:

    There might be some issues around my review copy of 1942 2nd Edition. I’ll be on vacation when I estimate that I’ll receive the game.Â

    Hmm.  Here’s an idea.  For the 1941 game, you got a review copy and all the rest of us got to study its contents online via the pictures and information you posted on the site.  For the 1942 game, we could return the favour: WotC could send all of us a review copy, and you could then find out about it during your vacation by studying the pictures and information we post on the site.  It seems only fair that you shouldn’t have to do all the work on these things, especially during a well-earned holiday.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Turns out my estimate was a bit off. The game will be sitting in the mailbox for the last 4 days of my vacation, unless I can get a copy sooner.

  • Customizer

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