Hi Everybody and thanks for taking the time for reading my questions.
I�m looking forward to buy “Wizards of the Coast 39687 - Axis und Allies 1941” from amazon in germany (where i�m from) for 30 Euro�s which is much cheaper than any other Version but still not cheap for a game. Now reading in the revies there makes me struggle.
They say it�s way to less in the box to play it right, to less of everything?
Of course u can add our own made money and also here there is many great things for Downloading and adding, but when it comes to the Units then I don�t see where to get the ones I would need and also why being forced to buy things which should be in already.
I�m also interested in upgrading the game with artillery as it seems to be not a part of it, but making the game much more balanced.
Now u could maybee say i shall rather buy a big version of the game, but honistly, it�s hard to find someone playing with you if you need like 1 day for a game and probably 2 games untill you play with a normal flow instead of checking rules.
Is there maybee an older Version better than this new one? Or maybee it is even worth it to buy a big version and then print out the map and rules for the 1941 Version? The map I�m planing to print my own anyways just because i also heard many people saying it is to small arround japan and mediteran sea.
And a last question so far: If I may change my mind on buying a big version for myself and a 1941 for my nephew, what�s the best amount of players in the biger Versions like 1942 2nd / 1940 2nd Europe or Pacific?
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
Cheers Richard