No harm at all. I was just mentioning that they were the same ones. It’s easy to forget that the green pieces in the game aren’t actually the Americans, but rather the Allies who have retreated back to North America after losing WW2. I didn’t realize until you had posted your link that the Meteor was actually a British fighter.
Global '39 Battleboard
Has anyone made up a battleboard to reflect the 12d mechanic in global '39? I made one, but it’s a shameful expedient at best.
I made one about a year ago! I’ll have to go back an find it!!
Not sure if this is the one you’re looking for Tigerman, but I have it with an old GW39 file of yours…
Just hit the download button. It’s about 2 megs. Simple combat chart labeled 1 to 9.
Thanks Variable,
I’m going to try and blow this up and print it.
MOD: I suggest this be moved to new 1939 GLOBAL Forum