Advanced Rules:
A game in progress starting in fall 1939. Each turn is 1 season (3 months).
This is the beginning set-up (there is also a spring 1941 set-up).
Neutrals and minor axis allies are not set-up until activated. Only Poland is activated at this point.
Italy, US and Russia are neutral and are also not activated until a certain date or attacked by the Axis.
A turn consists of a movement, combat, blitzkrieg, redeployment, convoy, build, collect money and initiative.
Axis begin with automatic initiative on all Fronts. This means that the Axis do all their movement first in all Fronts that they have initiative. Movement can be into combat, or to just move a unit (like Axis & Allies: WWI 1914).
When the Axis have finished their movement, then the Allies do their movement turn all at once. Units already in combat with the Axis cannot move, but the Allies can move all other units just as the Axis. They can even move units into a combat zone and reinforce it.
There is a stack limit, and it is based on points. Infantry are 1 point, tanks are 2 points and artillery are 3 points. There can be no more than 10 points of ground units in a space by one side. Planes are limited to 1 plane (or airbourne) per industrial zone. A fortress or airbase can add 1 extra plane to any zone. Airbases can be stacked, but each player nation has a limit as to how may airbases they can build.