Is there life outside our solar system ?

  • i saw 3 ufos in my life time, and one stealth bomber from a 757 (my brother saw it with me)

    I could have been seeing things (the UFOs)

  • '19 Moderator

    I’ve seen Men in Black I know how our government works!

    Truthfuly I don’t know and until I do know one way or the other I find is useless to concern myself with the idea. :)

  • @dezrtfish:

    I’ve seen Men in Black I know how our government works!

    Truthfuly I don’t know and until I do know one way or the other I find is useless to concern myself with the idea. :)

    The universe is a whole waste of space…great! a never ending landfill!

  • “I could have been seeing things (the UFOs)”

    Even if it wasn’t a alien spaceship, I would still consider what you say a UFO from your point of view (unidentified flying object).

    Oh yeah, can I take back my ballot and vote “no” to go against the crowd?

  • Life - definitely
    Inteligent life - most probably
    Inteligent life with the capability of interstellar travel - possibly, but unlikely

    Have we’ve been visited by a superior alien civilization in the past or present? We’ll, it would sure clear up alot of mysteries (the Great Pyramid at Giza for one). Who knows. Impossible to determine.

    You better believe world governments would keep it quiet. We would have to rewrite our entire planet’s history. Science, religion, and civilization would be turned upside down. Are we ready for that???

    I DON’T THINK SO !!!

  • Yeah, I guess you’re right :wink:

    “The truth is out there. Trust no one” - Fox Mulder

  • It is only my opinion that Aliens are not among us. Why would they want to be here?

  • '19 Moderator

    Well I can understand why they would not want to be in New Jersey, But what about Cabo San Lucas?

  • “Why would they want to be here?”

    I don’t know, the Earth is a very valuable, exquisite jewel. I guess us humans just take it for granted nowadays.

  • It would be great if they had a more noble purpose than sucking our planet dry of raw materials like in just about every movie made about this subject. More along the lines of “First Contact” like in the STAR TREK series. Of course I’m hypothetically reaching here…

  • one might consider humans to be parasites on the earth - would it be so bad if we were all wiped off the face of it?
    aliens might do so, and consider that they are doing the world/universe a favor. Just like when we clear out a marsh of “undesirables” - plants, animals, etc.

  • The ultimate Green Peace alien!!!
    Just because we deface the planet by building unnatural structures and tear down natural beauty?
    We pollute heavily?
    We waste natural resources?

    They might be doing the earth a favor!

    Hopefully they’ll have some wishy-washy science rules about not interfering with the local animals…

  • The ultimate Green Peace alien!!!
    Just because we deface the planet by building unnatural structures and tear down natural beauty?
    We pollute heavily?
    We waste natural resources?

    They might be doing the earth a favor!

    But we are still alive… At the expense of earth’s fauna.

    Hopefully they’ll have some wishy-washy science rules about not interfering with the local animals…

    That would be logic, if one day we are able to observe the evolution of another civilization i wish we will not interact with them (if they have a lower technological level).

    Still… if we cannot exeed the speed of light it will be quite hard. But history taught us (well some of us) that the word “impossible” is use far more often.

    It is “impossible” to flight
    “Impossible” to quit earth’s attraction

  • In the end, it’s not really gonna matter if we think theres life out there of any sort I think, if there is those that do search will find it someday that or they will visit us, one way or another. Then its a matter if they want to turn our planet into an alien resort planet a la X-Com.

  • Ha, X-Com is a kickarse game! :D (though I can’t say the same about the sequals)

  • X-Com sure is thats for sure. The last one they made, Apocolypse was pretty good I thought, just sucked that you were limited to the city area itself until you discovered the alien secret things….

  • We’ll you might be right on that. However X-Com Underwater (basically X-Com redone underwater) and that flight simulator were horrible. The original is still the best. It wasn’t the turn based combat that drew me again over and over again. (Though that excellently done; unparallel in instilling suspense and fear into the player for a turn-based game) Nor was it the pretty graphics (this game did come out almost a decade ago). But I really liked the micromanagement. Setting up bases, researching alien technology, and shooting down UFOs was what I thought as the strategically standout for such an action-based game.

  • … is there life outside the universe!!! that sets you thinking isn’t it :roll: Live outside our solarsitem is simple. God is every where and God is the giver of life. He rulles the universe and so he is also outside our solar system. and more fun He is living in my heart! :lol:

  • :roll: lol…FinsterniS, try to resist.

  • @Chris:

    :roll: lol…FinsterniS, try to resist.

    "FinsterniS, FinsterniS . . . give in to your feelings . . . give in to the hate . . . ".

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