@thinrich83 Yes.
Final Global setup!
Over at the Harris game design site they have given us word on the final setup for Global 1940. Here is a map you can use.
I don’t think there are any mistakes on it, but I am prone to making mistakes so please check it carefully.
I just checked the alpha+3 thread at HGD and I didn’t see any additional changes, is their a link you could provide?
I’m with Young Grasshopper please provide us with a link!
See the thread called “sea lion in alpha 3”, page 86 (that was a lot of discussion):
Tanks Vance , like the Lego Guy. Now to get ready for this weekends game
Thanks Vance.
I guess the idea to swap the 106 UK destroyer with a cruiser didn’t pass.
why they change some french units in paris to uk ones?
+2=pro allies
+3=pro allies
+3.5=pro axis
+3.9=pro alliesNo experienced player will ever lose England again, and Germany’s only option seems to be a drive toward Moscow (WOW, I just experienced a flash back from 20 years ago). At first glance, it’s back to the drawing board, although I will reserve any pessimistic views until I play these changes a few times. Accualy, I’m playing Germany this Saturday, and I’m planning a G1 attack on the whole eastern front as a violent protest for killing sealion (I’m sure that’s what Larry wanted to see all along, to get Russia into the game earlier). I may be wrong, so I will try not to judge, but as soon as we all spend a half year creating new strategies to win with the axis, they might throw a monkey wrench in those efforts too.
I always think of that line in the movie “8 men out” where the journalist says “their thinking of ruling out your spit ball, might make things a lot harder for the pitchers next year” and the white sox player replied “every year is hard for us pitchers”.
why they change some french units in paris to uk ones?
I guess they no longer liked the idea of removing all the UK Units from French territories after alpha+3.5. Looks more colorful this way, and they keep the historians happy.
Move the French cruiser in 112 to 110.
Move the UK cruiser in 112 to 111.
Move the German cruiser and transport in 113 to 114.
Add 1 UK mechanized infantry and 1 French infantry to United Kingdom.
Add 1 UK infantry and 1 AA gun to Scotland.
Change 1 French tank and 1 French artillery in France to equivalent UK units.
Add 1 AA gun to India (total of 3 now)Change the Soviet “Spread of Communism” NO to “3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.”
I believe those are the finalized changes.
*Modified to reflect an additional revision
Move the French cruiser in 112 to 110.
Move the UK cruiser in 112 to 111.
Move the German cruiser and transport in 113 to 114.
Add 1 UK mechanized infantry and 1 French infantry to United Kingdom.
Add 1 UK infantry and 1 AA gun to Scotland.
Change 1 French tank and 1 French artillery in France to equivalent UK units.Change the Soviet “Spread of Communism” NO to “3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.”
I believe those are the finalized changes.
And add 1 AA gun to India, bringing the total to 3. (from KH, later in the linked thread)
Get out those parkas boys, I hear Moscow is cold this time of year…
Wich version of G40 module is needed to open your file? I cannot open it…
However, this is not confirmed yet. It needs a oficial thread in LH site. Man, how I hate DLCs for phisical boardgames :-P
i cannot open it either. it only shows a white screen… :(
It is the alpha +3 map so you need to have the GA3.gim folder unzipped and placed in your ABattlemap directory. you can get it here:
By the way, I missed the pro-allies neutral flags on Eireland and Crete.
Here are the ammendments to Alpha +3:
Move the French cruiser in 112 to 110.
Move the UK cruiser in 112 to 111.
Move the German cruiser and transport in 113 to 114.
Add 1 UK mechanized infantry and 1 French infantry to United Kingdom.
Add 1 UK infantry and 1 AA gun to Scotland.
Change 1 French tank and 1 French artillery in France to equivalent UK units.Change the Soviet “Spread of Communism” NO to “3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.”
Krieghund also wrote:
“I have reviewed the above changes with Larry, and they are now official as written. We’ve also added 1 AA gun to India, bringing the total there to 3.”
So there we have it!
OK, now it works. But I’m not very happy with this setup, 11 inf and a mayor IC for Berlin seems too much to me … probably gives advantage to Axis. And Germany has a minor IC at Ukranie as well :-P
As this was a public playtest effort, there are two kinds of people: those who participated and those who shouldn’t complain about the results.
Thanks to all of those who participated!
Can’t open it either…but the changes listed are all the changes, right?
As this was a public playtest effort, there are two kinds of people: those who participated and those who shouldn’t complain about the results.
Thanks to all of those who participated!
A rare show of emotion, I LOVE IT.