@Moxin The axis do have an advantage, but when you’re just starting out you only need a bit of help as the Allies to win, 12 or 16 bid
Anyone tried Sealion with the new Naval setup?
The French CR in 112 is moved to 110
The British Cr in 112 is moved to 111
The U.K. DD in 106 is changed to a CR
The German Transport in 113 is moved to114
The Soviet N.O. is 3 IPC for each original German, Italian or pro- Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controlls
Sorry for not clearing that up -
looks good so far.
Just make sure russia frontloads after G2. so it can strike R3 to get the +3s stacking.
will post U.S.A, U.K., Anz.,Italy, and France latter this week.
U.S.A. $52 Buy’s 2 CV,2DD,1Art
S.Z.35-23 Sub
2 Fight. Haw.-S.Z.10 land on newly purchased CV
1 Fight. W. U.S.- land on newly purchased CV S.Z. 101
1 Fighter E. U.S.- land on newly purchased CV S.Z.101
1 Strat bomb C.U.S.- W.U.S.
1 Arm C.U.S.- E.U.S.
2 Mech C.U.S.- E.U.S.
1 Mech C.U.S.- W.U.S
S.Z. 26-S.Z. 24 1Sub
S.Z. 10-S.Z. 25 1DD
S.Z. 26-S.Z.10 1 Trans
S.Z. 10-S.Z.26 1BB, 1CR, 1CV w/ 1F&1T, 1Tran w/1Inf&1Art land on Haw.
Deploy S.Z. 101 1 CV & 1 DD
Deploy S.Z. 10 1CV & 1DD
Deploy E.U.S. 1 Art
Collect $ 52U.K. Euro
Purchase 1 Fight, 6 Inf
S.Z. 91- S.Z. 110 1 CR
1 Fight. Gib- S.Z.110
U.K. sinks Germ BB with the loss of CR, Fight. lands at London
S.Z. 109- S.Z. 111 1 DD
1 Strat. Bomb U.K.- S.Z.111
U.K. sinks Germ CR with the loss of DD Bomb lands at London
Ango-Eg-Sud.-Ethiop. 1 Inf
Trans. 1 Arm, 1 Inf from Alex & Egy- Ethiop.
1 Mech Egy- Ethiop
U.K. takes control of Ethiop. with the loss of 2 Inf, 1 Mech
Trans. 1Inf Scot- Nor. S.Z. 109-S.Z. 125
S.Z. 71- S.Z. 76 1DD
Un. S. Afr.- Rhod. 2 Inf
Alex - Egy 2 Inf, 1 Art
Deploy 6 Inf & 1 Fight at London. Fight at Malta lands on CV S.Z. 98
Collect 28 + Nor, Ethiop, + 1 N.O = 37 - Conv. dam = 34U.K. Pac $ 17
Purchase 1 Trans, 2 Inf, 1 Art
Burma- Shan 2 Inf
India- Burma 3 Inf, 1 Art
Malya- Shan 1 Inf
India- Celebs Trans 2 Inf
W. India- India 1 Inf
1 Fight Burma- India
S.Z. 39- S.Z. 43 Cr,DD
Deploy Trans, 2 Inf, 1 Art at India
Coll. 17+ Celebes =20Anzac
Purchase 2 Inf, 1 Art
New S. Wales- Java 2 Inf
New Zeal- Queensl. 2 Fight
S.Z. 62- S.Z. 54 DD
S.Z. 63- S.Z. 62 CR
Queensl- New S. Wales 1 Art
Collect 10 + Java = 14Italy
Purchase 1 Fight
S.Z. 95-93 1 Sub, 1DD, 1 Cr
France keeps control of S.Z. 93 with no losses
S.Z. 97-98 1BB, 1CR, 2 Fight, 1 Stat.Bomb
Both sides loose everything
Transp N. Italy- Greece 2 Trans 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Arm
Albania- Greece 2Inf, 1 Arm
Italy takes control of Greece with 2 Inf,1Art,2Arm
Libya- Tunis 1Inf,1Art
Italy tskes control of Tunis with no losses
It. Somal- Kenya 1 Inf
N.Italy- Yugo 1 Art
S.Italy-N.Italy 4 Inf, Transp 2 Inf from S.Italy- Gib S.Z.92
Tobr- Alex 3 Inf, 1Art, 1 Mech, 1Arm
Deploy 1 Fight at S.Italy
Collect 10 + Greece,+Kenya,+Tunis, + 1 N.O. =19France
S.Z. 72-81 dd
sink Italian Trans
Fr.W.Afri-Fr.C.Afr 1Inf -
whats this new naval set up i keep hearing about? and where can i see it? thanks!
Take the two cruisers next to germany’s battleship and transport. Move the two cruisers 1 left up 1 left down. Take the transport and move it out of range of the united kingdom.
Move the French cruiser in 112 to 110.
Move the UK cruiser in 112 to 111.
Move the German cruiser and transport in 113 to 114.
Add 1 UK infantry* and 1 French infantry to United Kingdom.
Add 1 UK infantry and 1 AA gun to Scotland.
Change 1 French tank and 1 French artillery in France to UK units.Change the Soviet “Spread of Communism” NO to “3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.”
*possibly may be a mech instead of an infantry
even with the new set up sea lion is still doable, If U.K. didnt scrable they would have had more planes and so would Germ, I think Larry needs to put a blocker in 112
So do you start the bombing campaign and buy transports or buy some navy to keep U.K. at bay and turn on the Russians
Germany made a mistake by leaving Norway empty the can take it back, do you head to Morocco -
if you sink all of uk’s naval you don’t need to buy additional navy. If you cannot do that then you go ahead and buy additional navy.
you can postpone taking UK to round 4 by dropping into the spot above it. then pick up off of europe and drop on UK round 4.
Depends on how things go and what UK does. Russians should be a problem in balkans for a bit in your worst case scenario… but taking UK is still pretty much a given.
They did make things a bit harder for germany though so that is nice.
I think UK should start with a fighter or Tac Bomber in Canada.
But we seem to be well beyond that.
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