Looking for official 1st edition setups

  • Greetings! For some time now I have been looking for the full first edition setups but to no avail.  Some aspects of them interest me and I would like to tweak them.  Does anybody have the old setups? If so please post the full thing right here! Thanks!

    de Gaulle

  • Here are the separate Europe and Pacific 1st ed. setups (the latter only available as pictures of the units boxes).  I don’t have a copy of the 1st ed. rulebook on hand, so the list below doesn’t include the setup adjustments for the Global version of the game.


    Italy 10 IPC:
    Albania: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Ethiopia: 2 Infantry
    Italian Somaliland: 1 Infantry
    Libya:2 Infantry
    Northern Italy: 2 Infantry, 2 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 AA Gun, 1 Fighter, 1 Major IC, 1 Air Base
    Southern Italy: 2 Infantry, 1 AA Gun, 1 Fighter, 1 Minor IC, 1 Naval Base
    Tobruk:4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 2 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank
    Sea Zone 95: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 97: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport

    United States 35 IPC:
    Central USA: 1 Infantry, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Bomber, 1 Major IC
    Eastern USA:1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Major IC, 1 Air Base, 1 Naval Base
    Sea Zone 101: 1 Destroyer, 1 Transport

    France 17 IPC:
    Algeria: 1 Infantry
    Normandy/Bordeaux: 1 Infantry, 1 Minor IC, 1 Naval Base
    French West Africa:1 Infantry
    France: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter, 1 Major IC, 1 Air Base
    United Kingdom: 1 Infantry
    Morocco: 1 Infantry
    Southern France:1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Naval Base
    Syria:1 Infantry
    Tunisia:1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 72:1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 93:1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 112: 1 Cruiser

    Soviet Union  28 IPC:
    Archangel:1 Infantry
    Baltic States: 3 Infantry
    Belarus: 1 Infantry
    Bessarabia: 2 Infantry
    Caucasus: 1 Infantry
    Eastern Poland: 3 Infantry
    Karelia: 2 Infantry
    Novgorod: 6 Infantry 1 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, 1 Fighter, 1 Minor IC, 1 Air Base, 1 Naval Base
    Russia: 2 Infantry,  1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 AA Gun, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Major IC, 1 Air Base
    Volgograd: 1 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Minor IC
    Vyborg: 2 Infantry
    Western Ukraine:1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Sea Zone 115:1 Battleship, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 127: 1 Submarine

    Germany  30 IPC:
    Denmark: 1 Infantry
    Greater Southern Germany: 6 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 2 Tanks
    Germany: 6 Infantry, 4 Artillery, 1 AA Gun, 1 Bomber, 1 Minor IC
    Holland/Belgium: 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 Tanks, 1 Fighter
    Norway: 2 Infantry, 1 Fighter
    Poland: 3 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Romania: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
    Slovakia/Hungary: 2 Infantry, 1 Tank
    West Germany: 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 4 Mechanized Infantry, 1 AA gun, 2 Fighters, 3 Tactical Bombers, 1 Major IC, 1 Air Base, 1 Naval Base
    Sea Zone 103: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 108: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 113: 1 Battleship, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 117: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 118: 1 Submarine
    Sea Zone 124: 1 Submarine

    United Kingdom  29 IPC:
    Alexandria:2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
    Anglo Egypt Sudan: 1 Infantry
    Egypt: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Naval Base
    France: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
    Gibraltar:1 Air Base, 1 Naval Base
    Iceland: 1 Air Base
    New Brunswick: 1 Naval Base
    Ontario:1 Infantry
    Quebec:1 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Minor IC
    United Kingdom: 1 Infantry, 1 AA Gun, 3 Fighters, 1 Major IC, 1 Air Base, 1 Naval Base
    Union of South Africa: 2 Infantry, 1 Minor IC, 1 Naval Base
    West India: 1 Infantry
    Sea Zone 71:1 Destroyer
    Sea Zone 85: 1 Cruiser
    Sea Zone 91: 1 Destroyer 1 Aircraft Carrier, 1 Tactical Bomber
    Sea Zone 98:1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 106:1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 109:1 Destroyer, 1 Transport
    Sea Zone 110: 1 Destroyer, 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 111: 1 Cruiser, 1 Battleship
    Sea Zone 112: 1 Cruiser






  • Perfect! Many thanks CWO Marc!  Now if anybody has the Global setup changes……

  • Found it:


    Link the western edge of the Pacific 1940 map with the
    eastern edge of the Europe 1940 map. The combined
    board wraps around horizontally: Territories and sea
    zones on the eastern edge of the map are adjacent
    to territories and sea zones on the western edge (see
    Movement Between Maps, below).

    Set up units as shown on the setup charts found in Pacific
    1940 and Europe 1940. Additionally, place the following
    Amur: 6 Soviet Infantry
    Sakha: 6 Soviet Infantry
    Buryatia: 6 Soviet Infantry
    Egypt: 1 ANZAC Infantry

    The powers start with the following IPC amounts:
    Power Starting IPCs
    Germany 30
    Soviet Union 37
    Japan 26
    United Kingdom Europe 29
    United Kingdom Pacific 16
    ANZAC 10
    Italy 10
    United States 52
    China 12
    France 19

  • Excellent! Thanks again  :-D

  • @CWO:

    Found it:


    Link the western edge of the Pacific 1940 map with the
    eastern edge of the Europe 1940 map. The combined
    board wraps around horizontally: Territories and sea
    zones on the eastern edge of the map are adjacent
    to territories and sea zones on the western edge (see
    Movement Between Maps, below).

    Set up units as shown on the setup charts found in Pacific
    1940 and Europe 1940. Additionally, place the following
    Amur: 6 Soviet Infantry
    Sakha: 6 Soviet Infantry
    Buryatia: 6 Soviet Infantry
    Egypt: 1 ANZAC Infantry

    The powers start with the following IPC amounts:
    Power Starting IPCs
    Germany 30
    Soviet Union 37
    Japan 26
    United Kingdom Europe 29
    United Kingdom Pacific 16
    ANZAC 10
    Italy 10
    United States 52
    China 12
    France 19

    Your Welcome! This is my website!

  • Sponsor

    Good job BH!… Nice site.

  • And actually I’ve just noticed that there’s also a forum thread devoted to setups:


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