"Tall Paul's" ITALIAN units, detailed & painted by the "WARMACHINE Team"

  • Another superb job by Allworkandnoclay!  /hi5

  • '10

    Can I post your ITALY units on the FMG Facebook page?

  • Customizer

    Those ICs do look fantastic.  Especially impressed with the little American flag on the side.  Very realistic and detailed.

    I am curious though, why do you want nation-specific ICs?  They do look nice, but that means you will have to be replacing more pieces on the board.  For example;  you have a US controlled territory with one of those nice USA ICs on it.  Germany attacks and takes that territory.  Now you have to replace the IC with a German IC, where if they were “common” pieces used by all nations, you could simply leave the same IC there in that territory.  Also, theoretically, this will mean that you will need to have quite a bit more IC pieces.  Say you have a nice collection of USA ICs but in a certain game, Germany gets really big and starts taking over territories with Allied ICs or plopping down new ICs of their own.  Then you would need many more German ICs because you don’t want to have USA ICs pumping out German units.
    Another example:  Normandy/Bordeaux starts out with a French Minor IC.  Germany takes it so it becomes a German Minor IC.  USA does a D-Day so now it is an American Minor IC.  Paris is liberated so now it’s back to a French Minor IC.
    Maybe I’m just too lazy, but that’s too many IC changes for my liking.  I would just as soon leave the same piece there for any nation to control.  After all, you already have to change the control marker and all the combat pieces involved.  Naval/Air bases and Minor ICs seem to be the only items that aren’t constantly being moved around.

    Well, it seems that you are much more invested in your game than I am in mine.  Great looking pieces.  I bet your board looks fabulous.  Kudos to “Allworkandnoclay” for his painstaking work.  I do a little model painting myself and I know how difficult it can be painting such tiny detail.

  • Customizer

    Lozmoid and Others,

    WOW! I just turned around and I’ve got several posts to answer. Well, one at a time I guess.

    I also have been a “fan” of “Allworkandnoclay’s” paint jobs since I first saw them.
    Although I’m a somewhat accomplished modeller/painter myself(model trains), and have done paint work for pay, I knew there was NO WAY that I MYSELF could do anywhere near as awesome a paint job as his work on the bases of the Infantry units.

    So I determined that I had to get him to at least paint all of my Infantry for me. Let’s see, with the Italian Infantry now on the way the list would so far include:

    20-(FMG) Italian Rifle Inf……(Desert Drab scheme)
    20-(OOB) Japanese Inf…(Mainland scheme)
    20-(OOB) Russian Inf…(Flat Drab scheme)
    20-(OOB) U.K.-Pacific(Calcutta) Inf…(Pacific scheme w/“Union Jacks” on their bases)
    12-(OOB) Chinese(Nationalists) Inf.
    12-(OOB) Anzac Inf.
    20-(HBG) U.S. Marines……(w/Camo helmets & USMC insignia bases)
    4- (HBG) U.S. Marine Raiders……(Camo head-to-toe & Raider insignia bases)
    4- (HBG) U.S. Marine Raider ParaMarines(Camo head-to-toe & ParaMarine insignia bases)
    4- (HBG) U.S. Army Paratroopers……(one ea. for 11th, 17th, 82nd, and 101st Airborne
    …Divs. on bases)

    The Major and Minor Industrial complexes are “in the works” and will be next.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Lozmoid and Others,

    Yes, “Allworkandnoclay” puts a coating over the paint jobs to seal and protect them from chipping. He also scrapes, sands, and fills any indentions in them before washing and painting them. He’s VERY THOROUGH and if you’re interested you should read his thread entitled “Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P” currently on page 9 of the A&A Global-1940 area.

    The hard plastic that HBG uses on all of their units seems to flex less than others. I believe my painted units should be treated with the respect that their paint jobs deserve to insure long careers for them, but I also feel that it’s important that they be ENJOYED and PLAYED WITH, albeit in a way not to do them any unecessary harm.

    The Paratroopers and U.S. Marine Raiders haven’t entered service yet as I’m sure my opponents(my Dad, brother, and friends) would scream loudly because they don’t also have units of the same types(yet). Hopefully by the end of 2012 we will be able to have all of the new units produced(and painted?). That is, if HBG and FMG don’t have any “factory” problems, “Allworkandnoclay’s” eyes don’t go blind, and I don’t go bankrupt, haha.

    Oh, Lozmoid. I really appreciate your opinions and everyone else’s, too. I feel that CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is a good thing and only helps. Like your not caring for the painted windows. I think you’re right. I might not always agree with everyone elses opinions, but I appreciate them none the less.

    There are two or three good painting tutorials here on this forum. If you can’t find them let me know and I’ll send you some links or directions to them.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Koba and Others,


    Sometimes contracting out pays off. These pieces look fantastic.

    I think the painted pieces really add to the atmosphere of the game. I’ve been painting (and re-painting) my growing number of A and A pieces for more than ten years now. It’s a constant process of experimentation. Just when I think I’m satisfied with my pieces, someone busts wicked paint jobs like these.

    It may be time for me to order some FMG Italians and step up my painting game.

    Thanks for the compliment and I couldn’t agree more that “Allworkandnoclay’s” paint jobs are head and shoulders above what I could’ve done myself.

    I appologize for “busting these wicked paint jobs on you”(grin) but I hope everyone will enjoy them, and they might inspire some players to paint their own.

    Or some like yourself might even buy some of the new HBG or FMG units. And if they get any increase in sales because of these painted units, well that’s just great, too!

    I am VERY THANKFUL to both HBG and FMG for their serious financial and time commitments to producing these new units for all of our gaming enjoyment.

    Three cheers for HBG and FMG!

    Hip, Hip, Hoorah!
    Hip, Hip, Hoorah!
    Hip, Hip, Hoorah!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    FMG Jeremy,


    They look amazing!! Thanks for posting.

    Thanks for the compliment.


    Can I post your ITALY units on the FMG Facebook page?

    Yes, it would be fine with me, and I don’t think “Allworkandnoclay” would have any problems with that either. I might suggest that you wait until I get some “builders portraits” of the units on an A&A map, from the front and back. Or you can go ahead and I’ll get the other pics to you later. BTW, the painter’s name is Chad Coffman, a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” and my name is Paul Harwell, a.k.a. “Tall Paul”.

    I’m especially glad that YOU like them, as they are FMG units.

    I, and every other A&A gamer, owe both you Jeremy of FMG, and Doug of HBG, a very big THANK YOU for all of your efforts and financial commitments that you have already made and will continue to do. I can only hope that these painted units might in some small way help boost your sales.

    “Tall Paul”

  • '10

    Thank you very much!  I will wait until your project is near completion and share a number of images in a feature.

  • Customizer

    Knp7765 and Others,


    Those ICs do look fantastic. Especially impressed with the little American flag on the side. Very realistic and detailed.

    Thanks for the compliments, I’ll pass them on. And you’ll notice that American flag is a
    48-star one, correct for WW2.

    You make several excellent points as to why anyone would want
    country-specific I.C.'s for their A&A games. The best thing I can say is to list my preferences:

    1. I’m a detail freak, of sorts.

    2. I prefer the 3-D representations of items rather than the much-hated
    cardboard cr*p.

    3. I’m having several extra Major, and Minor I.C.'s painted for each country,
    and even some that will be “generic” without any country’s insignia on them.

    4. I’ve found that players derive a certain “satisfaction” from replacing one of his enemies’ I.C.'s with one having his OWN FLAG on it after conquering it.

    5. With all of my Infantry units having their national insignia already painted
    on their bases and my I.C.'s also having their own national insignia, I
    believe that I can do away with MOST of the country ownership
    . IMHO, these tend to get in the way sometimes and unecessarily clutter
    up the map board, even though my map has been enlarged 150% to
    48" x 108".

    6. Sometimes in our games each player might be playing SEVERAL major
    countries at the same time, so having the game board clearly marked is a
    real help and a time-saver, too.

    7. My Dad, who is 87 and a WW2 veteran, regularly plays A&A with us and I’m sure he appreciates everything being very obvious.

    I would say your comments are all completely correct, but not what I prefer.
    I also think everything being “labelled” looks so much better, too.

    I appreciate and welcome your continued opinions. Thanks again.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    FMG Jeremy,

    You know, it might be better, as far as increasing interest and/or boosting your sales are concerned, if you had a running update on these units, that were also conveniently included together in a feature. What I mean by a “running update” is simply a pic and description of newly painted units as they are completed.

    Whatever you’d care to do is pretty much OK with me. Like I said, I’m very appreciative of FMG’s and HBG’s efforts in making these new units. Thanks Again.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Hey Lozmoid and Others,

    I’ve finalized the paint scheme on the Major and Minor I.C.'s. I deleted the windows and doors from them like you had mentioned(and I agreed) along with a couple of other little changes. So they’re now “in production” and should be ready before long. Just thought I’d let you know and Thank you for you opinion.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    I’ve just received some “finished” pics of the FMG Italian Rifle Infantry in the Desert scheme from “Allworkandnoclay”. He also included some high-quality(6.5 MB) pics just for you. I hope you like them. Let me know how/where to send them to you as they’re of course too large of files to post here on A&A.Org. Enjoy.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer

    Lozmoid and Others,

    Here’s a link to the pics of my finished Major Factories. I appreciated your opinions on their painting which meshed exactly with mine. Check them out.

    “Tall Paul”


  • TripleA '12

    Thanks for that, Tall Paul. Well, what can I say? Those Major Industrial Complexes are pretty much perfect! Very nice indeed.  :-)

  • Customizer

    Here’s a close-up of the “finished” FMG Italian Infantry. I hope you enjoy them.

    “Tall Paul”


  • TripleA '12

    Very nice. I take it these are the Italian ‘rifle’ Infantry then? (I mention this becasue the FMG Italian CU set comes with two types of Infantry) If so, will you be getting the ‘smg’ Infantry painted as well? Thanks.

  • Customizer


    Yes, you are correct. I should have mentioned this. I’m using the FMG “Rifle” Infantry as my standard Italian Infantry unit.

    I’m planning to use the FMG Italian Sub-Machine Gun Infantry for some
    Italian “Special Forces” units. They will be painted in the scheme like the
    units pictured below. These are only examples of the paint scheme,…NOT finished units!

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Lozmoid and Others,

    Here’s the paint scheme that the Italian “Special Forces” units will be painted in.
    We will use the FMG SMG Infantry when we get around to painting them.

    “Tall Paul”


  • '10

    The detail is amazing.  Thank you for sharing these…  can’t wait to see more.

  • Customizer


    Thanks for your moving this thread to the “customizations” area.

    “Tall Paul”

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