• I’m very curious as to which power you go after first. My gaming group found that if we go about 70% europe and 30% pacific, it is usually enough to stop the Japs from getting those extra VC’s in hawaii and Sydney, while taking out Germany/Italy before they can get all their VC’s which are fairly easy to get. (Paris, Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Cairo)

  • I usually play Japan, mainly because nobody wants to play it in my gaming group.

    Also, Japan has so many options that everygame is really different.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Germany - Because you get to have the most fun :)

  • I love playing Italy :-D Just because you don’t need a huge amount of strategy just to play round 1, plus they are so much fun!

  • Ummm, I don’t the question is asking what Axis country you like to play, it is asking what Axis country you try to defeat first when you are the Allies.

  • Yes James thanks for clarifying, and don’t forget an explanation as to why you try to defeat them first. I’m going to reset the polls now that its clarified.

  • '10

    ITALY - It is always a big challange.

  • A big challenge to take Italy? I never really though so, as in one game we had a british and american force consisting of 3 transports each with 3 inf 2 arty and 1 tank on each, and one american cruiser, and took all of italy. Of course he got it back using units from egypt, but he was pretty much contained after that.

  • '22 '19 '18

    I picked Japan because I love navies, but then I read your first post and you meant go for to kill and in that case it is usually Italy.  Italy is small and easy to quickly destroy.

  • Customizer

    I pick Japan.  Go after Japan hard and try to at least contain them on their island as quickly as possible so US can start sending stuff to Europe and India can start rolling tanks up through the Caucasus before Germany gets too big.

  • @JamesG:

    Ummm, I don’t the question is asking what Axis country you like to play, it is asking what Axis country you try to defeat first when you are the Allies.

    same here. can you repeat the question?

  • Which country do you try to defeat as the allies first. Usually I go after Germany/italy because I have found it is harder for Japan to win on the Pacific board and it is fairly easy for Germany to win on the Europe board. I usually build a sea base on midway and station my pacific fleet there, so at least I have time to build a counter attack fleet if he goes after Hawaii. I canabalize some of my pacific fleet to the atlantic so I can knock out Germany before they take russia.

  • Germany.  You can keep japan from winning but you can’t make them lose.  You can make Germany lose without an atom bomb.

  • Italy. They are the easiest to keep under control. In 40+ F2F games of different variants of A&A I’ve never seen Japan taken out so you just have to keep the beast in check. I have defeated Germany a few times when they get so focused on taking Russia that they leave themselves exposed in the West.

  • I’m happy with japan. You have more options with them at the start, so you can try new idea’s out each game since your under no immediate threat. And when they don’t work, you can still recover. I feel like germany has to do pretty much the same thing in the first few rounds every time or else it won’t be able to last in the late rounds. Don’t get me wrong! I like playing them but the fun of playing Germany doesn’t start till later in the game for me. And Italy is the one that goes to the newer players in our games so i don’t play it much.

  • People need to read. It is not which axis country you prefer to play. It is the one you KILL first. Jeeze.

  • start new thread with a different subject and or question if you want the right answers, less headaches id think

  • I also choose Italy, Soft underbelly of Europe. Plus, you can attack many places once you are in the Mediterranean.

  • @otahere34:

    People need to read.

    People need to write clearly.

  • @otahere34:

    People need to read. It is not which axis country you prefer to play. It is the one you KILL first. Jeeze.

    Just a suggestion, but edit (click on modify) your first post to say “kill” and problem solved.

    I think this changes due to axis strats

    Italy is probably the easiest to kill off, but it might be better to just contain them. Once their navy is gone, you can usually convoy them down next to nothing with some effort (if Germany is fighting in the Med to help Italy, they are lacking someplace else). Italy’s capital is exposed the most IMO. They have a hard time keeping the determined allies out of the Med. They can only build 3 units at their capital, and the allies have that deadly 1-2 punch with US/UK going back to back.

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