Trulpen is a fun player to play with!! I have to admit he will make you think!!
Basic strategy for each country in various situations (A3)
Yes, and I agree 100% on Yunnan. It was a gamble and I should have held back so I could retake Yunnan again. I normally never declare war on turn2 with UK unless I can block Japan from taking the DEI for 1 turn its the same as waiting 1 turn for Japan to attack UK and USA on turn3 except USA has to wait another turn if Japan does not take the Philippines. Its very risky though and I probably would have not done it if Japan was in a better position with their air force and Navy. If Japan had a naval force in range to attack Queensland like from the Caroline Islands I probably would not have declared war.
I always forget to move the Siberians. This is the trouble I have with playing TripleA compared to playing on the game board. I get tunnel vision and forget the far east, hehe.
yeah, I think that would be my main problem with TripleA as well; loosing the big picture, tunnel vision, whatever you want to call it. Definately easy to overlook things that you would not on the game board…
I think I am going to allow a lot of editing of ‘forgotten moves’ during an AAA-game, as long as it is done before the other side has reacted/is reacting to what has been done/fogotten ;-). If you can still follow what I am saying.
Very curious how your game will unfold. Not in particular about the allied DOW on Japan and thus the belated US entry, but, still more than just a little curious about this particular development (mainly because I have such, hmmm, ‘mixed’ feelings about it at home :-D).
It is as I feared…
Working on a T-savegame for a ‘middleground’ strategy for all sides. I am recreating the last game I’ve played (as far as I can remember the details :P). The lost ‘overview’ causes some ‘editing’ of forgotten moves. Much more than I’d like. Of course we can scroll the screen but it is still different (to me, at least).
If you can overlook a little editing here and there (only forgotten/overlooked moves), it should provide a decent strategy overview, particularly for the allies. The axis are played conservatively and are trying to focus down Russia. Of course, the western allies have a different opinion and they are played much like I posted before. But as they say, a picture says more than a 1000 words so I think a ‘tsvg’ will do well to support the things posted before!
To be continued (I’ll post the tsvg when a clear winner is decided)!
Sounds great! I was going to continue that game above last night but we decided to wait until the weekend.
I think I have conjured a useful savegame for a ‘basic’ strategy for all the Major Powers. For as far as my own experience goes, of course ;-).
The tsvg is only up untill round 12 and I think the allies will win this game. I see no point in putting more effort into it but what the Axis and Allies still can do can be up for debate ofc.
If you look at the ‘Stats’ tab (in the right hand column) -> TUV you’ll see the allies have produced 500IPCs more than the Axis and will continue to produce more. And this is even without bombing and convoying so the actual situation is even worse for the Axis;
Japan can still pack a mean punch but what they can gain economically somewhere (Africa?), they will loose somewhere else (Russia and/or the Pacific). The aircraft the USA has in the east coast can fly all the way to Hawai if need be and the USA/ANZAC can grab Philippines in the -unlikely- situation Japan takes Hawai and the USA cannot retake it. So far the Crystal ball predictions ;-).For the sake of simplicity I had to make some overhauling decisions with the Axis and stick to it. Note that Japan could have produced more ships to cascade into a different game but 2 strategies cannot be put into 1 tsvg (as far as I know).
Basically, more Japanese ships means less US presence in Europe, a stronger Germany at the gates of Moscow but a much weaker Japan in Asia so Russia and the UK will have less trouble there. Rob peter to pay Paul, so to say.
Germany tried to take Moscow but had to focus heavily on defending western Europe later on, succeeding only barely in the latter. Imagine what had happened if Germany had focussed more on Russia. Loosing West Germany/Rome would not have been a remote possibility but grabbing Moscow would still have been.Well, anyway, enjoy!
Feel free to comment/ask/shoot but don’t forget it is a ‘basic’ strategy outline and cannot cover all possible variations from game to game. The only hint that I can give is that the allies can win the game if they retreat away from the axis and preserve their armies. retreating up to the point where it starts to hurt too much economically or military, of course. Please don’t mind the editing in the tsvg here and there… TripleA causes a sort of tunnel vision that I still have to get over (If I ever will), causing me to overlook some units/situations and press the ‘done’ button too quickly. -
A really tough but effective opening for Japan is to take their Pacific air fleet in Japan and take San Fran J1. The ACC will bring the planes as far as possible, then send them off with paratroopers to absorb hits. The best thing to do is to cut off National Objectives for the US once this is done, and destroy the fleet right off the now Japanese controlled San Fran. It takes a big IPC bonus away from the US, and keeps the US out of Europe for a while. By immediately taking the defensive after captured, you should be able to hold off, while an inexperienced US player will bash its forces against the Japanese military, while Japan will be able to slightly outproduce the US for a while, while a more experienced player will leave Japan with more time to produce in San Fran, while sending a few troops to Europe each round to attempt to outproduce Japan again. It has worked perfectly once out of the two times I have attempted it. Once you see an opportunity, try to take the Central US to destroy the US for good. It is a very difficult maneuver, but it can be done, and is usually very effective. As for Germany, take out France, let Italy get a few IPCs from that, and then, depending on if the UK is supported well enough attempt Sea Lion. If not, invade Russia as soon as possible. A strong Russian defense is the Axis power’s worst enemy. Let Italy defend Western Europe from invasion, and clear the Mediterranean of allied ships. If possible, take Northern Africa with Italy if it is left unprotected. That’s my take on Axis strategy. Not many people know how to play Axis well, but if you can start to out produce the allies by turn 7, the game is yours.
I don’t understand how you capture San Francisco on J1. Nothing that Japan has can reach the US West Coast in one turn.
Also, Paratroopers is a tech that you have to roll tech dice for. Or do you just make them a regular unit you can purchase in your games? -
Well done ItIsILeClerc!
@joelv18 - I agree with knp… Not sure how your taking San Fran on Japan’s first turn.
The ACC will bring the planes as far as possible, then send them off with paratroopers to absorb hits.
Um… Paratroopers can only depart from an Air Base not Carriers. In past history Japan had I-400 submarines to carry planes to San Francisco but only 4 were made and all were captured and destroyed to prevent the USSR from gaining technology. But still I cannot follow your strategy unless you have some nonstandard House Rules that I am unaware of.
As Japan has anyone tried attacking FIC turn one but waiting to attack UK/Anzac/USA until turn 3 or 4? You’d lose the 10 bonus but would have a jump start on producing troops in SE Asia with a complex built there turn 2, while still having the benefits of delayed US war entry.
I’ve thought about it a lot, but that 10-30 IPC is just too much for me to pass up. And you can always just put a complex in Kiangsu or Shantung instead, which is almost as good.
Well done ItIsILeClerc!
@joelv18 - I agree with knp… Not sure how your taking San Fran on Japan’s first turn.
The ACC will bring the planes as far as possible, then send them off with paratroopers to absorb hits.
Um… Paratroopers can only depart from an Air Base not Carriers. In past history Japan had I-400 submarines to carry planes to San Francisco but only 4 were made and all were captured and destroyed to prevent the USSR from gaining technology. But still I cannot follow your strategy unless you have some nonstandard House Rules that I am unaware of.
Sorry, I learned how to play with some crazy house rules, and am still trying to determine if the rules are real or not. Sorry about that!