Experimental Alpha 4 Game - Wrongway Corrigan vs. Noll
France tries to sink that DD
1cr from 92 and 1fig from GIB
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (5, 1)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6) -
France map
(if you plan to attack with Italy the french cruiser and the french fig will be still in 92/GIB but I don’t think you will attack this turn)
no, but there is a major battle coming up on germany’s turn.
oh also I forgot to move 2anzac FIGS from SHN to YUN I’ll move them during Russia.
Trying Ukraine?
I have to, I have no choice.
You have 67%, decent odds, but not that high, luck could bless either you on me.
how do you come up with 67%, you missing some of my forces?
Italy collects 17 + 2 saved = 19 less CRD
CRD in 72 capped at 2Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 22@3: (1, 1)
you missed my 3 tactical bombers in w germany
Oh damn…
Well Russia’s turn is already done, my bad.
However, I not only need to win this, I need to get something close to the expected result or better.
90% >>
the key is the 100 ipc spread in damages, you’ve been able to turn several battles that looked like they had massacre potential into almost even exchanges, an even exchange will not carry the game for me, now i need the dice to be kind.
and you did the same, many times, but I never pointed it out.
If the calculator is right, you should survive with around
7arm 2fig 3tac 2bmb (if AA doesnt hit) -
I get 416 ipcs of damage, that will look like
1 ftr = 10
109 inf = 327
20 arts = 80that leaves me with 9 armor and 13 arts to hold the territory.