Vance (Allies) vs. AlexGreat (Axis), G40 Alpha +3

  • UK 2

    8 to repair London IC
    9 inf
    27 total

    Eastern Persia (walk in)
    1 art from West India activate friendly neutral

    Ethiopia (3 inf, 1 art)
    1 inf, 1 mech from Kenya
    1 inf, 1 art from Sudan
    1 armor from Egypt
    1 inf, 1 art from Egypt via tt z81 to z76
    aDiceRolls: 2@1, 4@2, 1@3; Total Hits: 02@1,: (3, 2)4@2,: (3, 3, 5, 5)1@3: (6)
    dDiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 14@2: (5, 2, 6, 6)

  • Ethiopia 2
    aDiceRolls: 1@1, 4@2, 1@3; Total Hits: 21@1,: (6)4@2,: (3, 3, 5, 1)1@3: (2)
    dDiceRolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 14@2: (4, 3, 2, 3)

  • Ethiopia 3
    aDiceRolls: 4@2, 1@3; Total Hits: 14@2,: (6, 6, 3, 4)1@3: (3)
    dDiceRolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 6)

  • Ethiopia 4
    aDiceRolls: 4@2, 1@3; Total Hits: 14@2,: (1, 6, 4, 3)1@3: (5)
    dDiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)

  • Wait a second.  I forgot to announce my purchases for UK Pacific

    2 fighters
    save 2
    22 total


    1 cruiser, 1 battleship from z88

    Eastern US
    1 inf, 1 art from Ontario
    1 inf, 1 armor from Quebec

    1 AA, 2 inf from Scotland
    1 mech from UK
    1 tac from Morocco
    1 Bmb from UK

    1 fig from Morocco
    2 fig from UK

    1 AA, 2 inf from Egypt

    2 inf from Rhodesia

    1 destroyer, 1 carrier from z77

    8 inf in UK
    1 inf in South Africa
    1 fig in z39
    1 fig in India

    convoy raid z37 (1 sub, 1 surface ship)
    DiceRolling 3d6:
    (4, 4, 6)

  • UK Europe2 = 28(territories)
    UK Pacific2 = 15(territories) +5(Kwangtung & Malaya NO) +2 saved -0(convoy damage) =22IPCs

    Italy is up


  • Vance I just checked in the rules and realized that I can build MICs in areas with a value of 2 or more……I placed my MIC in such a territory, thinking FIC would not be possible. Doing Italys turn I remembered someone having a MIC in Egypt, hence my checking the rules…is it ok for you to relocate my MIC to Manchuria?

    Independently of the answer, Italy now:

    Italy 2


    • 1 Art (4), 3 Inf (9), 1 TT (7)


    Activating Iraq with 1 Inf from T-Jor
    Egypt <-- 1 Inf T-Jordan
    Algeria <-- 1 Art Tunisia, 1 Inf + 1 Art Alexandria via TT SZ 98, 1 Bomber S-Italy, BB, 2 CR, DD (SZ 93 --> SZ 92, Offshore Bombardment x2)
    Gibraltar <-- 1 Inf, 1 Art S-France via TT SZ 93
    Morocco <-- 1 Inf S-Italy via TT SZ 97

    DiceRolls: 2@4 1@3 3@2; Total Hits: 32@4: (3, 3)1@3: (4)3@2: (1, 5, 6)
    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)

  • forgot one French inf, rolling another 1d6 now

    DiceRolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (3)


    Bomber Algeria –> Alexandria
    Fighter Tobruk --> Alexandria
    Fighter S-Italy --> Alexandria
    1 Inf Albania --> Yugo
    Arm, Art S-France --> N-Italy


    1 TT SZ 97
    1 Art, 3 INF N-Italy

    5. INCOME

    20 (terr) + 17 (NO) = 37


  • Italy is rich!

    ANZAC 2

    1 transport
    1 inf
    1 art
    14 total


    2 fig from Queensland

    South Australia
    2 inf from New South Wales

    1 inf, 1 art in new South Wales
    1 transport in z62

    ANZAC 2 = 10(territories) +5(malaya)

    Transjordan (walk in)
    1 inf from Syria

    1 destroyer from z77

    French Equatorial Africa
    1 inf from French Central Africa

    1 inf from Scotland


  • **** If you did read my request for Japan and not replying means not agreeing, no probs, my mistake, technically. If you did not read, pls have a look***

    Germany 3


    • 2 TT (14)
    • 9 Inf (27)
    • 3 Mech (12)


    Air Base UK <– 1 Tac Holland; Escort: 1 Fighter SZ 112
    UK <-- 6 Arm, 7 Art, 13 Inf, 2 Bomber, 4 Fighter, 4 Tac

    3. COMBAT

    3.1. Strategic Bombing Raid Air Base UK (on the assumption that this will be played out before Amphibious Assaults and general combat, as this sequence is laid down in the rules, ie 3 damage to an airbase in this phase will preclude scrambling later on during the amphibious assault phase). Also on the assumption that fighters who intercepted cannot participate in the battle for the UK or scramble, independently of any damage or not to the airbase.

    Pls correct me if I got the rules wrong, and if not, pls orders for interception!

  • Transports via SZ 110

  • Sorry I didn’t read your question about the IC.  Yes go ahead and move it to manchuria.

    Now the bad news.  All battles in a turn are considered to take place simultaneously.  So you can’t bomb the airbase to stop the scramble (and you really don’t want to bomb the airbase that you will own when you take London LOL).  So do you want to re-do your move?

  • I will scramble 3 fighters from against your fleet in z110, so if you want maybe you can use the planes you were going to use against the airbase to cover your fleet?  Up to you.

  • Ok Vance, just wanted to be convinced because the rules in the rulebook clearly say “Combat sequence: 1. Strat Bombing raid, 2. Amphibious aussaults, 3. General combat”.
    The word sequence implies to me that it is step by step, I did not read “simultaneously” or something like that anywhere. I know that all attacks need to be declared simultaneously, of course.

    Its really to my best knowldedge that I cant find anything contrary to my interpretation of the rules, and I also dont find a passage that would explicitly say that a facility disabled still works in the same turn, just that “capabilities are decreased or eliminated” (is there a Q&A somewhere, or a Krieghund explanation for future reference in my local group?), but I never had a situation where it was relevant, and you surely have way more experience than me, so of course I wont contest your explanation. So yes, I need to find another way.

    As for the bombing the air base, yes, I’d very much want that as I would not commit my warships to this attack….sacrificing the transports is bad enough courtesy to your combined air force  :-), building infrastructure to better protect my warships from the 6 US bombers and then the British wave is even worse, however, because I will still bleed, even if it will cost you the 6 bombers and a few British air (provided my own air survives UK battle).

  • OK I am pretty certain that you can;t bomb the airbase to prevent scramble on the same turn, but I’ll make a compromise with you because you planned out your move assuming that you could.  So what I will do is NOT scramble.  You can go ahead with your attack as planned.

    In the meantime I will look around on the harris site and see if Krieghund has said anything about this somewhere.

  • I really would like to do it as it is meant to be in the rules, and as you set up the situation very well in my opinion, you should reap the rewards (I am not experienced in the way of sea lion, surely it can be done better, but the way you arranged your forces makes me doubt if sea-lion is the way to go for the Axis….especially since the die were quite in my favor in Europe, so far).

    I need an hour or so anyway for the kid, maybe you find something definite until then. Only something that would support my view will make me do what I wrote below, every other result including none I will re-think my moves.

  • Ah ha!  I found the answer.

    In the alpha +3 rules on the Harris site, the section on scramble says: “Scrambling is a special movement that the defender can make at the end of the Combat Move phase. It must be done after all of the attacker�s combat movements have been completed and all attacks have been declared.”

    In the rule book, Strategic bombing raids occur at the beginning of the Conduct Combat phase.

    Combat Movement comes before Conduct Combat.  So my planes would be over z110 before your bombers hit my airbase!

    For future reference, a good way to knock out that airbase before sea lion is to attack it with the Italian bomber on I2.

    In any case, I didn’t scramble.  So go ahead and if you want to you can call off bombing the airbase (no point damaging your own airbase LOL)

    Good question Alex!

  • thats settled, then, thx for taking the time.

    I am happy to concede the game as price for my failure to set this up more properly, but still would like to continue (with you not scrambling against my unprotected transports, just like as if the Italian bomber would have been more thorough). I learned so much already, would not want to forego the next lessons  :-D

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