Why is Foruminis so much more popular than here?

  • Moderator

    I have not played in a while, but yeah, they were using a comunity photo bucket account for maps  and just typing in unit names into the squares. Not the mosteasy way to do it, but made the game easily understandable, since you only had to make a new map after each players sea movement or movement during land games. Then used the built in die roller to do combat.  Once you made 1 map and played on it, susiquient maps were easier to make.  I also made a bunch of Generic (big+small) maps to use for online play. They were used to great effect in pick up games and in League play. which was pretty successful

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Does Map View only work on Windows?


    By the way, are you all using tools yet for your play-by-post or still just doing jpeg dumps?  MapView works great for PBEM and PBF plugplug*  :-D

  • Yes it is a Windows based application.

    Note that the attached screen shot is 199KB, while the attached game file which has every single turn, 5 phases per turn, is only 41 KB.


  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I’m on a Mac and the marketshare for Mac is only growing and should match PCs fairly soon.

    Any chance we can get an open source project going to port this to Java?

  • While I’m not adverse to that idea, other than contributing a bit on the open source TripleA project on a Mac ocean display issue, I don’t have any experience doing open source work.

    Oh, and at what point do you think Macs will overtake PCs?  I think that is wishful thinking :)

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Tablets are actually likely to overtake PCs first. I’ll look for the infographic.

  • Now that I can see though I doubt they replace PCs (or Macs) but rather supplement, as my phone is doing now.  You don’t throw out the computer when you get the gadget.  It just gets used less.  I still sit down at a computer to work or do my taxes.

    But anyway, we digress :)

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    But you also have to think about the global market. Smartphones and tablets are much more accessible to citizens of poorer countries.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Found it. So I was thinking iPads not Macs. In that case, maybe we should work on an HTML5 version of MapView.


  • A key premise of MapView is the ability to play while disconnected.  While HTML5 is supposed to better deal with offline and local storage, I’m not familair enough with it to know if it would address that design objective.

    I’m actually in a transition period right now professionally in that I need to shift my skill set into Andriod, iOS, and/or HTML5 if I want to keep employed where I am since my current product line is ending.  If my learning coincides with a direction for MapView then it serves double-duty.

  • On another note, when we did have an active community of A&A mini players going back in the beginning (I probably played 40 games PBF of it myself, and I have the game files still), we were racing to add all the units to the mdoules to keep the game vibrant.  I think a few people even put togther a WAS module or two (modules are just an XML file and images, no code needed).  If anyone wants to pick up that task and continue to extend the modules to cover the new units I’d be more than happy to assist.  But it’s one of those self-fulfilling prophecy kind of things though, if no one is using it then I don’t want to dump lots of time into working on it, and if it doesn’t get updated, no one will use them.

  • I don’t think it is a bad thing, and if its any consolation, “org” appears before “com”. Both are better alternatives to the official site, which is neglected.

  • As a member of almost all the A&A forums, I might be able to shed some light on this question.

    1st off, Dead head has got the main idea, it started back when the old wizards forum went under, and all the A&A minis players went there. Instead of a cramped wizards forum, they had a community driven program where the players ran the forum.

    When I started playing A&A, I came here and fond some of the cool maps and other cool things. Then, when I got into A&A Minis, I came back and… the forum for AAM was dead! I looked for info on the newest set (Eastern Front), and instead found info on D-DAY!!! That was 4 sets ago! :o Well, not surprisingly, I kept on looking, I found the wizards forum, but it was basically dead, since posts only appeared like once a day. The my friend showed me the Forumini, I got the newest HHR, all the maps I could ever use, an easy mapmaking doc, al sorts of stuff. Let’s just say I stayed! :D Not only did it have AAm, but it has even more WAS stuff, tones of online games and 1000’s of pages of info. I don’t play WAS, but now that AAAF came out, I play that, and it’s got a good start! (I played the first ever AAAF online game)
    Now there is the seasablaze WAS forum, the Underground, and I think there are quite a few Spanish/german forums around. All good forums, but the ForuMini is the largest, and has the most creativity.

    Just saying! :D

    A&AM Map maker

  • As a member of the forum mini there is alot of content over there and its the largest community.  There is dozens of posts each day for the miniature games while over here there is maybe 1 a day probably less the WAS board hasnt had a new post in a month…

    Each sites have their niche forum mini for the miniatures and this one for the board games.

  • There forum has a lot more support for minis then A&A.org does, and more activity as a result. Whereas A&A.org has one (forum? whatever you call one line in the index) for AAM original  and one for W@S they have an entire(sub index?) for each and one for angels twenty. the Play by Post section there is functional and lively, as opposed to the either dead or shutdown section here, its impossible to tell, and the people are very friendly and helpful (Thanks Rebel :) ) as a whole, I’m not saying they aren’t here but it is  very noticable there.

  • You’re welcome! I just try to spread the AAM cheer on any forum I am on! ;)

  • Moderator

    Well we have a new MIni’s Mod - Me, and i will do what I can to make our Miniatures section better and hopefully more active  :lol:

  • Excellent :)
    Can’t do the Mr Burns impression on here but you get the idea. My suggestion would be to get the Play by Post  Section running, but i don’t know exactly why it was shut down so there might be a problem I’m unaware of.

  • '18 Customizer


    Well we have a new MIni’s Mod - Me, and i will do what I can to make our Miniatures section better and hopefully more active  :lol:

    Sweet! I will do what I can to help too.

  • Moderator

    Wanna play by post game of War at Sea  Field Marshall?

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