I recently played my first game of A&A:G and lost due to, what I assume, was my passive nature being reflected on the battler field.
I used Germany to destroy the French and UK on G1, however essentially turtled in respect with the Soviet Union. I underestimated their production ability, and had one hell of a time breaking through their fortified line.
So the strategy that I propose now is essentially a blitz on all fronts, I will destroy France, attack the UK fleet, and break the Soviets already shattered defensive line. I assume that Germany should be able to push them back, gain a small number of IPC’s, and spread the Soviets out a bit. I hope that by spreading the units out the Soviet player will hopefully retreat a portion of his units, and place purchased units, in Moscow. While it will be a few turns until I can outright destroy Moscow, I can atleast reduce their influence in the area.
Thoughts? I have not read many strategies that involve the above, I assume there is a reason for that fact.