To answer your question,…I don’t KNOW or assume anything. I don’t take for granted that the 1st US Naval Set will be produced, although with all the interest that has been shown, along with the “Coach’s” track record on producing A&A units, and the number of pre-orders I’d guess it PROBABLY will be.
As far as the Japanese Naval Set(s) I would suggest you look at it this way. Rather than specific ships think about specific ship TYPES. PT, SS, DMS, DE, DD, CL, CA, “old” BB, “newer” BB, CVL, CV, Landing Craft, Etc., Etc. These ship types will allow us to expand our gaming capabilities, especially in some new purpose-designed games.
Certain Japanese ships and/or types should be popular enough on their own for production. Like the Yamato super BBs(Yamato, Musashi), Shinano super CV, all of the varied CVs(Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu, Soryu, Shokaku, Zuikaku), Mogami class Cruisers, Etc., Etc.
Also, the “Coach” is working on a Pearl Harbor game and Tigerman and I are working on Expanded A&A-The Naval Series Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign. We are planning to produce a SERIES of “Naval-Oriented” A&A games that along with the “Coach’s” Pearl Harbor game would provide an excellent arena for the expanded Naval, Air, and Land unit types proposed and already in “the pipeline” from HBG and FMG. Hopefully having both the units and the games available would encourage interest. As far as I can tell,…the A&A “fans” that I’ve interacted with here on A&A.ORG are as die-hard and completely interested in A&A as I am, or even more so.
KNP,…I would suggest that you voice your interest in Japanese Naval Set(s) to the “Coach”, including specific ships you like as HE is the one that can MAKE IT HAPPEN for all of us.
Of course, the production of the US Naval Set(s) depends on enough interest being shown and pre-orders. If these set(s) are produced it would logically lead to the Japanese Naval Set(s) being produced.
All of these units/sets are expensive to make and demand a significant investment of money. The “Coach” is not only a “fan”,…but a businessman who needs to make a return on these investments in order to keep making additional units/sets for our enjoyment(or from going broke).
Like I Say,…What Do YA’LL Think???
“Tall Paul”