Here’s an interesting pic. One complete set of Axis Minors in each color now available to us. Quite a colorful mix, don’t you think?
All Colors.JPG
Pick one color choice. For Major and Minor factories.
I voted white. They will stand out on the board and not get mixed up with FMG’s new german units. Coach are you now going to do these instead of FMG? Or are you both going to do them. I had a suggestion for air and naval bases that are rather simplistic but wouldn’t take up to much space on the board… Anchor for Naval base. Small tower for air base. Thanks
Coach is this a pole for what your next product will be? Because I selected other. I think it would be cool to have a custom painted IC for each nation. Just an idea.
Coach is this a pole for what your next product will be? Because I selected other. I think it would be cool to have a custom painted IC for each nation. Just an idea.
I am just gathering information.
they would need to fit to what was avail to each nation.
If you’re going to make pieces representing facilities coach, please do Air and Naval Bases!
The question to that is what would you represent them with other than the stardard cardboard cut outs.
Maybe a small runway and tower or hangar for the airbase, or just a tower. A small drydock for a naval base or a dock with a crane or something like that. Nothing major, just a little plastic piece to replace those pesky little cardboard ones.
Yeah agreed. What we also need is AA Guns cause with Larry’s new rules they can’t switch nations so theirs no point in making them gray or carboard.
You mean nation specific aa guns? Great idea. I would buy those.
Yeah use the ones from 1942. They’d be fairly cheap (I think, afterall I’m not a buiseness man) and better looking than the crappy one we have right now. Hey I’d even be happy with AA colored to each nation’s color (black for Germany, Green for USA, etc.