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France does nothing.
And you never noticed I generally play one version at a time? lol
oh, btw… you can’t deploy the 4 chinese infantry to burma. they can move there (as far as i know), but mobilization must be made to a chinese-controlled chinese territory. obviously won’t affect germany’s turn, but before j4, let me know where you want those 4 inf. and if you want to relocate the ftr, that’s fine.
germany 4
9 inf, 3 rtl, arm, ss… spend $51
ss sz112 > sz125
fleet sz112 > sz91
2 ss sz109 > sz91
3 inf, 2 rtl norway > finland
7 inf, 2 rtl, 2 arm, ftr, tbmb, aa hungary > romania
arm, ftr, tbmb hungary > poland
7 inf, 2 rtl, arm, aa germany > poland
2 inf, arm west germany > germany
sbmb west germany > poland
inf northern italy boards italian trn sz97
2 inf, rtl > france
ss > sz112
7 inf, 2 rtl, arm > germany
DOW: Germany, Italy
2 Inf to Bel
Arm to Nov
6 Inf to N. Ukr
Arm, Mech to Bel
3 Arm to N. Ukr
Build: 3 Inf S. Ukr
Build: DD SZ 127
Build: 2 Inf Nov
Build: 3 Inf Vol
Build: 2 Inf Rus
Collect: 37 IPC
You brought German transports down to Gibraltar, but no Ground units. Confirm?
japan 4
2 inf, arm, cv, 2 dd … spend $44, save $2
sz20 (trn)
ftr sz36
sz22 (trn)
ftr sz33
formosa (inf)
inf, rtl caroline is via trn sz33 > sz20
philippines (2 inf)
inf, rtl kwangsi via trn sz36 > sz35
inf palau is via trn sz36 > sz34 > sz35
tbmb sz36
ftr, tbmb caroline is
celebes ( )
2 inf kiangsi via trn sz36 > sz20 > sz35 > sz44
dutch new guinea ( )
2 inf caroline is via trn sz33 > sz45
java ( )
inf kwangsi via trn sz36 > sz42
kwangtung (2 inf)
inf, arm kiangsi
inf, rtl kwangsi
tbmb hainan
sikang (5 inf)
2 inf szechwan
rtl shensi
ftr, tbmb, 2 sbmb kweichow
yunnan (2 inf)
3 inf kweichow
3 ftr, tbmb kweichow
fic ( )
inf kwangsi
sz37 (dd)
sub, dd, ftr, tbmb sz36
additional combat moves…
bb, ca sz33 > sz35
bb, ca sz36 > sz35
inf/rtl @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 4)
inf @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
inf @ 1, inf/rtl @ 2, ftr/tbmb/2 ca @ 2, tbmb/2 bb @ 4
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 4@3 3@4; Total Hits: 41@1: (6)2@2: (2, 6)4@3: (5, 6, 1, 6)3@4: (5, 3, 4)
2 inf @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (2, 5)
celebes taken w/out opposition
dutch new guinea taken w/out opposition
java taken w/out opposition
started out strong on defense,… whimpered at the close. yunnan taken w/out loss. not that those guys are going to get particularly comfortable there… :roll:
fic taken w/out oppositino
sub/dd @ 2, ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (4, 6)1@3: (3)1@4: (5)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
and a french boat at that,… sz37 cleared w/ loss of sub
ftr, tbmb sz37 > sz35
ftr sz20 > sz44
tbmb philippines > sz44
ftr, tbmb philippines > sz35
cv sz36 > sz35
cv sz36 > sz44
cv sz33 > sz35
ftr sz22 > sz6
tbmb sz33 > sz6
2 ftr hainan > sz6
tbmb kwangtung > kiangsi
3 ftr, tbmb yunnan > kiangsi
inf kiangsu > kiangsi
ftr, tbmb sikang > shensi
2 sbmb sikang > kiangsi
2 inf suiyuan > shensi
aa kweichow > anhwe
4 inf jehol > anhwe
dd sz36 > sz42
2 sub sz36 > sz43
dd sz36 > sz35
sub, 2 dd sz33 > sz45
ftr, tbmb caroline is > japan
dd sz6 > sz24
dd sz6 > sz23
cv, 2 dd > sz6
2 inf, arm > kiangsu
$50 + $2 saved = $52
use this map… didn’t reflect all the ncm’s…
Combat Moves:
3 Submarines, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, Battleship, 5Fighters, Tactical Bombers, Strategtic Bomber from Wake/SZ 31 to SZ 6
2 Infantry, Artillery, Armor from Wake to Korea
2 Fighters from Wake to SZ 24
Fighter from Wake to SZ 23
I need scramble orders for Japan (up to 3 Aircraft)
I need kamikazee orders if you choose to do so. Valid targets: Crusiers, Battleship, Destroyers. I will roll the combat.
temporary insanity… i don’t know why i put them in 23 & 24… it was plain to see they need to go in 16 & 17… i’m an idiot. and tojo is profoundly upset. off the plank…
I did not bring any carriers to have Kamikazee’s go for. Would you like to reassign them? There is a battleship, some cruisers and destroyers in the water.
You needed 3 destroyers to block the American attack.
it looks to me like 16 and 17 would have done the trick, but it doesn’t matter, 'cuz i didn’t put 'em there.
no carriers… no scramble and no kamikazes. fire with the boats and planes that are in sz6…