@private-panic Thanks very much, this seems to be what I am looking for.
I have actually already done this and he has agreed to carry it on his site. Ideally, I will be including a bunch of his roundels and tokens in a finished product. I also plan to do a “Mini Game” as a free download so everyone can test out the rules. I didn’t really feel that this info was ready for release yet, but since you asked… :wink: :-)
Final Beta Map complete.
Rules Beta complete.
Setup Charts Beta complete.Added more info to combat rules.
Testers, please post comments below!
I think you should post a .png file because this jpeg is too blurry to read. .png does not present any compression loss, its like PDF.
Also, agree that UK needs to more on the map because i suspect alot of stuff will need a space there.
Well the .png doesn’t fit. Please see the new product page for this on HBG on Monday! It will have more details.
As for the size of UK, I will definitely consider adding a bit more space. I was concerned that it would make UK look too far out of place though. It cannot even be invaded in the basic rules presented so far.
Look for the game preview on Historical Board Gaming’s website! I’m hoping to have this ready to go around mid-August.
Added new info for game on sale at historical board gaming dot com.
Added an update to show the game is now downloadable for free on HBG.
I noticed a few of you have downloaded the game. As soon as you get a chance to review the material, please post your impressions here. I am not above making more changes and releasing a newer version!
Hallo guys, I would like to share something about this topic.
Thank you for reading.
I have created SITREP, The day after… It’s basically Axis and Allies in a modern setting, starting the day after 9/11.
Modern units, a complete redesigned worldmap. It is all there.
In this boardgame, six powers are involved.
United States of America, United Kingdom, NATO at one side. On the other side, there are The Arab league, Russia and China.
I spend lots and lots of time to translate the ‘real’ situation into an Axis and Allies setting and according play style.
So far, I am very pleased and satisfied with the result.I have recently created a new website to share the details with other players.
The introduction may be Dutch
The game rules however, are written in English.See my website for some details, and feel free to comment.