• I love the FW Condor idea!

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    The Ju89 would be my choice but when the time comes, I will poll and ask opinions.

  • Customizer


    The Axis will have heavy Bombers!

    VERY COOL!!!  I would like to cast my vote for the Fw200 Kondor.  (Admittedly, I am not familiar with the Ju89.  I take it that was a 4-engine plane?)
    When we were discussing Axis bombers on the FMG combat units discussion thread (quite a while back), someone gave some ideas for large Japanese and Italian bombers.  I think the planes mentioned only got to prototype stage or very few were actually built, but at least they were some ideas.

  • @knp7765:

    When we were discussing Axis bombers on the FMG combat units discussion thread (quite a while back), someone gave some ideas for large Japanese and Italian bombers.  I think the planes mentioned only got to prototype stage or very few were actually built, but at least they were some ideas.

    Two proposed four-engined Japanese heavy bombers that I can think of include the G5N “Liz” and the G8N “Rita” - only a few of each were completed, although a few G5N’s were actually used as transports. I would personally be satisfied with the choice of either of these as Japanese heavy bomber, although I would choose the G5N over the G8N.

  • Hey guys, do we need a new thread for this discussion on Heavy Bombers?

  • @WARRIOR888:

    Coach, May I suggest for your Luftwaffe Heavy Bomber the Fock Wolf FW 200 Condor.  It was a 4 engine bomber, Long Range Recon and some even used as transports.  It was a big plane almost the size B-17 or the B-24.

    Second suggestion: The only purpose built Strategic German Heavy Bomber was Henikel HE-177/HE-274 GREIF, Drawback, this aircraft was only a two engine plane. Carried two tons of bombs up to a 1000 miles.  It was designed to do 60 degree dive bombing runs as well.  Luftwaffe crews nicknamed it the FLYING COFFIN. To many of them had engine fires.  Real good color pictures top/side views can be found at WINGS PALETTE. http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/b/1037 :-D :-D :-D :-D

    Except the Condor was NOT a heavy bomber.  It was barely considered a bomber (mainly naval engagements).  It carried up to 2000 lbs of bombs on hardpoints located on the wings, with no internal bombay, and because it was a retrofitted civilian passenger plane, they were never ideal for combat.  The JU88 (the OOB bomber) could carry nearly 4000 lbs of bombs.  And to compare, the B17, which was not the allies heaviest bomber, could easily carry 5000 lbs, the B24 had an even larger capactiy and the B29 could carry 20,000 lbs.

    As for the HE177, I too originally confused it as a two engine plane.  However, it is in fact a 4 engine plane with paired engines on each nacelle/prop.  It LOOKS like a 2 engine plane, but it’s technically not.

  • Me-264

  • IL, I looked up the specs of the ME-264, it is impressive. It looks like a real good canidate for a Luftwaffe Heavy Bomber.

  • Customizer

    Great idea IL.  The Me 264 would make a better choice for a Luftwaffe heavy strategic bomber.

  • If you’re going for Amerika Bombers, why not also consider the HE277, JU-390 (ooo, six engined), or the TA-400.  Also, the HE-274 would be appropriate.

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