Absolutely. A person that is given some liberties regarding how they spend their time at work will usually perform better in the long run than somebody that is forced to “work” for the duration. Granted, this is the case for salaried professionals more so than for menial, minimum wage hourly jobs where the worker is much more replaceable. A professional that you need to put significant resources into to make them an important, contributing member of the organization should be allowed some freedom in this regard. If their job is high-stress, they will just get burned out quicker if the stress isn’t relived in some manner.
THInGS That WOulD NOmALy CRam Up A TopIc liKE mY anD iL`S COnstaNt BAtErinG….;)…and RanDOM (a9/8/9/a0) LIke thAt.
9 a2/9/a1/5 a0/a5 3/a5/4/5 a3/5/a9/a9/1/5/a9 !!! (hint think alphabet)
and solve this… MAKE I I I I I I I I I I I = to nine W/out taking any away or forming the # 9! (11=9)
this should be easy for “Deltora Quest” readers. -
how do you get that up on the post. i never can :(
LOL…… :-D :evil:
LOL! :-D
IF SoMe oNE TEls mE HOw TO GHEt THe PicS TO SHOW Up ILL SotP AbuSinG the ShiFt key!!
If you look at the list of buttons that are above the “emoticons,” you will see a list of buttons. One of them says, “insert image.” Press on it. put your selected image “url” in between the “insert image” icon.
ok SounDs Like iL stop AbuSing the Shift Key
this one :-)
lol i know i just dont know how to put one form on my HDD and not form a www.
lol i know i just dont know how to put one form on my HDD and not form a www.
ah, you’ve got to put the picture online (in dropbox or image shack or a service like that)
oh ok that makes more scene now that i think of it
So I got a fun idea! lets play 4 square! Kinda like in the school gyms that me and cminke go to!
P.S. Cminke I still hate you for owning ALOT of WWII a-soft guns!
lol :-D but un foutneitly my house gout broken in to and they stole the ones that wernt put away……all but my most presios ones remain… :cry: :-( :cry: :x :x :x :x :evil: :evil: my MG F ING 42, MY PPSH-41, and my FG-42
il lost about 10,000$ of stuff i got free!