Correction I think here? UK? The war would have been lost in 1940 without Britain and the Commonwealth.
No, no correction needed I think. I never said the war could have been won without Britain. The OP asked what would have changed if Canada had not contributed its military to the conflict, and I said very little. I believe most would agree with me. We are not talking about the numerous contributions made by other Commonwealth countries like Burma, India and Australia (and I never said anything about Canada’s resources, his post referenced Canada’s military contributions).
Without a military contribution from Canada, the UK would have still been able to hang on. Understand that undertaking Sea Lion is more complex than purchasing transports for seven IPCs on round two and loading them up with troops based in Normandy. Germany did not have the transports, the navy, the landing craft, the close-support vessels, or the air force to have successfully undertaken such an operation. Nor did it have a firm grasp of what kind of water separates the Isles from the Continent or the tenacity of the foe that opposed her, and that would’ve meant many German boats on the bottom of the sea.
It may be fun to play what-if, but it is a terribly misleading way of understanding the realities of WWII and you have obviously fallen into that trap. If this, than that, and this, and that, and then this again would have happened… well, that’s somewhat hard to say, wouldn’t you agree? You have a better understanding of the British mindset than I do. Would England have laid down its arms and just let the Gerrys walk over them if Canada had not supplied a few divisions and an RAF base?