Another problem with having way to many spaces is that they are only worth 0, 1, maybe 2. Not worth building an IC there to help speed things up for two units.
What should be done, if you want an historic correct game, is to give some vital territories an high value, and other territories no value. Some territories had oil, like south Romenia, Caucasus and Iraq, other places had iron ore, like northern Sweden, and some places had big industri, like western Germany, eastern Ukraine, Volga and UK. So this territories should have high value. And poor places in the wilderness, like Belo-Russia, Northern Norway, Eastern Poland should have no value.
But because of playability, because the designer want battles in all territories, they usually give each territory the same value. So usually Germany with big industri and big resources and big population, have a 6 IPC value, and Belo-Russia with no industri, no resources and a small population, also get 4 IPC value. In the most insane case, there was this map that gave impassable Himalaya an IPC value of 2. That was half the value of Germany. I guess the designer had never visited Himalaya. But the result was, that impassable Himalaya had more action than the historical battlefields.