I counted London once, not twice. There is England Atlantic and England Pacific. Taking London does not stop Calcutta from earning an income.
Egypt NO round 3:
- Germany takes S. France R1
- Germany builds transport R2
- Germany NCMs armor to Egypt R3
With England toast, Egypt should be Italian by round 2.
China at 4 IPC assumes: China has Kansu, Sikang, Tsi, Szechwan. Taking the rest is almost a given for Japan in every game I have witnessed or played in.
Most of those outcomes are derived from a Low Luck game and confirmed using battlecalculators. They assume virtually 100% efficiency with gear, however, and of course, I did give the caveat that outrageous dice would skew the results. But with aggressive play, those outcomes are not only probable, but highly probable. It would take near a miracle to make huge changes in those outcomes. (easy to swing it a few IPC one way or the other, I’m talking huge as in London surviving against 84% odds of losing it, America miraculously sinking the entire Japanese navy on Round 1, etc.)
As I mentioned, that’s with a HIGHLY aggressive Axis. If you play more conservative, then I suspect you would not see it.
However, it is becoming routine in my games to have no American ships in the Pacific by Round 3, London in German hands, Italy owning all of N. Africa by the start of Round 4.
If you look at the board, I am sure you can see how you can exploit the Axis powers in rounds 1 and 2 to virtually annihillate every allied surface ship. After that, it’s only a matter of moving where you need to go.
The idea with China is simple, you close that road and you stack everything you can on it.
To snip England’s testicles off, you prevent them from getting the Dutch East Indies by attacking them early.
To body blow America, you sink their fleet before they can build it up.
Japan has WAY more than enough firepower to crucify the Allies if they strike at the appropriate time and plan for follow up attacks appropriately. The idea is to be thinking about where you will be on Round 3 on Japan 1, not where you will be after NCM of Round 1. America does NOT have the firepower to do anything to Japan unless you allow them to build for 3 rounds without sinking any of their things early.
London is dumping everything into London, so Egypt should fall like France. If it takes Italy more than three rounds to get Egypt, Italy is being played wrong, or England allowed Germany to take it unopposed.
Russia is an issue, but until Round 4, you can ignore them and they cannot earn more than 37 IPC a round. Means, if you do not invest into an army, you should have about equal strength by the time they can attack it.
Just imho, I mean, I only destroy the Allies as a matter of course now. Letting them declare war on you when they feel like it just isn’t my cup of tea.