Here are some rather rudimentary questions.
Why does this site need a villian? To be or not to be that is the question - because I was ASKED to be…
How can a villian be from America Jr.? Because America IS the villain.
If you have so many great opinions why are they not posted @ Harris Game Design? Because I am Larry Harris and I don’t need to post twice.
How many games have you to sold the rights to have published? I’m not at liberty to adress this question at this time - pending court
Why do you have to demonstrate a limited vocabulary by constantly implying the use of vulgarity in your posts? So that you denegrates can fully understand the power of my expressions.
More over why can you not just agree to disagree or even take the high road? I am the High Road.
I did not realize you were a genuine villian. I thought you were one of the good guys and just a mental case.