New player here - Are there accepted UK1 and US1 moves?

  • I’m a relative novice in A&A, having only played two or three games of older editions up until now (and not doing particularly well, either   :-) )

    I’m looking forward to trying out 1942 Second Edition, and I’ve been reading up a bit to try to improve my opening. I think I understand how to play R1 (strafe Ukraine, all-in West Russia and abandon Karelia) and G1 (sink everything, planes go west to deter allied navy, ground forces go East for Russians) are fairly well-established. Where I am stumped is what to do for UK1 and US1 - or for those two powers in general.

    The main difficulty as I see it is getting land forces onto mainland Europe or Russia as the UK and US. Previously strong Shuck-shuck routes no longer exist, and with transports no longer boosting defense, building a landing force is a very big investment. Landing infantry in Africa, Western Europe, or even Finland requires a very large investment to avoid the transport fleet being sunk by German air power.

    Here are some questions I have for those of you with more experience with this edition:

    1. Is pulling the Indian fleet back into the Mediterranean a viable course to take? This seems a lot more appealing to me than a suicidal smash into the Japanese forces, as it preserves a lot of UK material that will be worth its weight in gold if it can defend Africa by removing or blocking Germany’s med. fleet.

    2. What should be done with the Australian fleet? Attempting a landing anywhere in range doesn’t seem like a particularly profitable move to me. I’d rather sail them around South America and join a larger UK fleet in a couple of turns. (In fact, would pulling the Indian fleet under Africa to meet up with the Australian fleet be worth trying?)

    3. Assuming the two German subs in the mid Atlantic both go to sink the western US fleet on G1 (leaving my DD and transport outside Canada alive), what can I profitably do with my destroyer and transport off of Eastern Canada? Should I attack the subs? Move into that space but ignore the subs? Land the tank somewhere and sacrifice the fleet?

    4. Would UK/US focusing on Strategic Bombing be enough help to keep Russia in the game vs. Germany? The 12 IPC bombers in this version seem like a great deal to me as a player of older editions. How would a UK1 Bomber/fighter/3 inf opening followed by a US Bomber (or 2 bombers!) + something else opening work? My thinking here is to base all of the bombers in the UK and SBR Germany relentlessly starting on T1, possibly purchasing another pair of bombers on Uk2/US2 if possible. This gets “help” to Russia faster (and cheaper) than landing ground troops, but I don’t have enough experience to know if this is viable in the long run. I just know that compared to landing ground forces, this is a lot cheaper and faster.

    5. Would it be sound for the US to just ignore the Atlantic altogether? Even disregarding the Honolulu VC, it just seems like leaving your (strong) fleet in the pacific together and pressuring Japan to help keep India alive (and thereby indirectly protect Russia) while using 2-3 US1/US2-built Bombers to attack Germany early (as opposed to bringing over any kind of navy/ground forces to the Atlantic) might end up being a more efficient use of resources.

    Any thoughts on any of these points would be much appreciated - or just general insights on how to play UK and US in general.

    Edit: Said “Egypt” when I meant “Africa” - embarrassing.

  • Hi, about attacking Japan fleet from both India and Australia, it is pretty much my UK1 standard.

  • What makes me qualified to answer: I’m an experienced player on Triplea, having won something like over 30 games of revised and 1942 2nd edition in the last 6 months without a loss. I’ve played about 2 dozen games of 1942 and have studied the map carefully. I don’t have a map in front of me so I apologize for territory ambiguities/misspelling

    1. Is pulling the Indian fleet back into the Mediterranean a viable course to take?
    Yes, it’s the optimal path to take in 90+% games. In my opinion, SZ37 is a bad trade unless US is committing everything to pressuring japan. It’s not a positive TUV battle, highly risky, and prevents you from profitably trading your fig and cruiser vs japan dest trans (sz61?)

    Most preferable: sink german fleet if it goes adjacent to egypt/trans jordan with 1-2 fig and 1 bomber.
    If not: Send cruiser and fig to sink japan’s dest and trans and land the fighter in sinkiang. Move egypt fig, car, and trans off africa towards UK. This joins up with Aus fleet to make Europe landings starting round 4.

    2. What should be done with the Australian fleet?
    Send to UK, for similar reasons to #1

    3. what can I profitably do with my destroyer and transport off of Eastern Canada?
    Generally take out the german subs off UK with dest and move trans off US east coast. This is to prevent Germany from deadzoning the SZ off morocco. Those 1-2 subs make the fighter, bomber, and battleship much more threatening to the US atlantic naval fleet. Assuming germany subs attacked EUS, those can be mopped up by the US fleet bought in R1.

    4. Would UK/US focusing on Strategic Bombing be enough help to keep Russia in the game vs. Germany?
    Yes, but land and trans apply more pressure to Germany at similar cost. I speak from experience rather than an easy way to quantify it. UK and US can start trading france, nortwest eur, italy, southern europe, baltic. Russia can trade belo, ukr, and sometimes karelia. This forces germany to expend 2 land units to counter and quickly exhausts Germany. Overall though, you’re right that SBR is more profitable in this version, and it’s not clearly inferior to trans and land.

    5. Would it be sound for the US to just ignore the Atlantic altogether?
    I think it’s viable to ignore Germany. If so, you need a strong Russia. It’s absolutely key to deadzone Karelia if you try this. Without a bid, only attack Wrus round 1 and buy exclusively inf and art. Doing this, russia can hold off germany alone for about 5 rounds before ceding the important Wrus or cauc territory (Russia produces 7 land units vs 10-13 germany).

  • Thanks for the detailed reply! I have a few follow-up questions:


    3. what can I profitably do with my destroyer and transport off of Eastern Canada?
    Generally take out the german subs off UK with dest and move trans off US east coast. This is to prevent Germany from deadzoning the SZ off morocco. Those 1-2 subs make the fighter, bomber, and battleship much more threatening to the US atlantic naval fleet. Assuming germany subs attacked EUS, those can be mopped up by the US fleet bought in R1.

    If Germany didn’t use their subs in the attack on the UK ships on G1, would you then attack the US subs? Also, I’m a bit confused about the “US mopping up the subs off the US east coast” - the units they place there on US1 wouldn’t have a chance to fight them after being placed, correct? And then on G2 the subs would be allowed to sail back across the Atlantic (into range of the Luftwaffe and therefore being safe from US attacks) - or am I mistaken about this?


    4. Would UK/US focusing on Strategic Bombing be enough help to keep Russia in the game vs. Germany?
    Yes, but land and trans apply more pressure to Germany at similar cost. I speak from experience rather than an easy way to quantify it. UK and US can start trading france, nortwest eur, italy, southern europe, baltic. Russia can trade belo, ukr, and sometimes karelia. This forces germany to expend 2 land units to counter and quickly exhausts Germany. Overall though, you’re right that SBR is more profitable in this version, and it’s not clearly inferior to trans and land.

    What do you think about building bmrs on UK1 and US1 in order to conduct SBRs until such time as the UK fleet makes it to England, so that you time your purchasing of transports and ground troops to synch up with the fleet arriving (and buy fighters/bombers prior to then)? In other words, UK starts with a focus on air power and switches to land/navy only when the Australia/India fleets arrive?


    5. Would it be sound for the US to just ignore the Atlantic altogether?
    I think it’s viable to ignore Germany. If so, you need a strong Russia. It’s absolutely key to deadzone Karelia if you try this. Without a bid, only attack Wrus round 1 and buy exclusively inf and art. Doing this, russia can hold off germany alone for about 5 rounds before ceding the important Wrus or cauc territory (Russia produces 7 land units vs 10-13 germany).

    This sounds interesting - would this approach involve a strafe attack on Urkaine, or is it more like all forces from Russia/Caucasus/Karelia go to W. Russia and Caucasus is held by reinforcing troops? Basically I’m not clear on what should be happening with the troops in Caucasus for this move (how many should be comitted to the W. Russia attack vs. left in place)

  • I almost always buy 2 artillery 1 inf to place in India and 2fighters in the uk .  So if the Soviet Union takes west Russia like they should I start sending fighters there from uk till I get like 7 fighters over there. On the attack on sea zone 37 I only do it if I get a bid that I can spend on a extra sub that I put in sea zone 35 if not japan can win with the bid uk should win. I also try to reinforce Egypt as much as possable . With the USA  I like to build a massive bomber fleet and send to Russia as well and some to uk to bomb the Germans back to the Stone Age bomber fleet strategy is a blackelk strategy credit to him

  • @General:

    With the USA  I like to build a massive bomber fleet and send to Russia as well and some to uk to bomb the Germans back to the Stone Age bomber fleet strategy is a blackelk strategy credit to him

    Yeah, I think reading Blackelk’s posts on bombers is what got me started thinking about the use of Bombers for the US, so definitely a tip of the hat to them.

    Why do you send some bombers to Russia and some to the UK? They would both be conducting SBRs on Germany, right? Or do you use the ones in Russia to threaten Japanese naval units/SBRs?

  • Sorry I send them to Russia they just stop in uk for one turn see I stack uk fighters in west Russia and the American bombers somewhere in soviet territory it depends on the situation and how many bombers also depend but my last game it was at a point I had 7uk fighters in west Russia and 2 USA fighters Germany never could take it the whole game and ended up with 15 USA bombers in the sky in the end japan fell first but yes use American bombers any way u see fit they can do a lot also if need be u can use the factory in India to bring troops to help Russia

  • One more thing do you ever play on triple a?

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Questions 1, 4 and 5 depend would depend for me on the results of the battle in W. Russia. Maybe all of the questions would  :-D

    If you take only 2 hits or less when Germany fires back in W. Russia, you are in a stronger position to try bolder things and get creative. If you take 3 or more hits, then you have to get ready for immediate support to Moscow. This situation is pretty much the same no matter what. Even if Russia keeps the fighters at home, and attempts no other attacks, if G hits big in W. Russia, then the Allies are in a bind. Even a risky perfect strafe into Ukraine can be undone, if the attack into Western Russia doesn’t come off strong enough threaten Karelia.

    If the attack into W. Russia goes well, I am partial to soviet tanks and infantry (with support tanks out of India for as long as possible). Or a steady artillery + infantry combo for Russia (and India), with largely air support from the West.

    If the attack into W. Russia goes poorly, I favor the infantry wall with concentrated fighter support from the West.

    Whether W. Russia goes well or reasonable, or terribly for Allies, might also determine your approach against Japan. And how much hope you pin on things like crazy bomber runs or exposed air attacks. I mean when the situation is dire you might try lots of things to recover.

    For question 1 and 2 a med rush or quick transit to the south Atlantic surely does a lot to bring the fight to Germany immediately. And as MarineIguana pointed out it is probably better to keep the Australian fleet alive to fight in later rounds. It is possible to at least bait Japan out of position with it, if you are trying to hammer J. I am not categorically opposed to 37, sometimes 37 can be decisive for Allies with a bid, but its never a given… and it sucks to deal with a second Japanese transport, so there is always that to contend with too. If 37 succeeds it is possible to keep both transports alive, if it fails they may both be stuck.

    For question 3, a destroyer locks those subs down. As long as the UK or US has a destroyer, you don’t even need to attack the subs in the first round, since they can be crushed in the second if need be. So subs once used in an attack on 11 are hard to keep alive for G. Its probably better to keep UK transport alive rather than risk it on an early launch, unless you really need the distraction for some reason :-D

    4, A British bomber can be interesting for UK, it has more reach on attack than a fighter, but again it likely depends on whether Russia got slammed in the opening.

    5. You can go all in on W. Russia, and then decide whether to fully reinforce Caucasus or tank trap it. If Karelia is the focus, it is possible to trade Caucasus if you have to, so long as you have enough force to easily clear the space on counter. Artillery can be very helpful if its your first time out with Russia. Ukraine strafe is high risk, Belo can be the same situation, but even a full stack into W. Russia can get ugly. Still if you concentrate all forces into a single attack, your chances of wiping the space in the first round are increased a good deal.

    Whether you play with normal dice or low luck makes a difference I think, to what you might consider doing.

  • MarineIguana, it sounds like you play very much the way I do. I’d love to see how I’d fare against you. Would you care to try a Triple A game and put that streak to the test? We could make it a live game, a forum game or a PBEM game, as you prefer.

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