Hey guys, sorry if this is in the wrong category, but I couldn’t find a rules, or faq, or new player category.
I’m currently serving in the middle east, and to break up the monotony I ordered axis and allies 1942 2nd edition. We have risk, but I’ve never been very fond of that game, seems to simplistic to me. I’ve always been drawn to the strategic sea battles, bombardments, air battles, etc etc in this game. So for the first time playing it and reading the supplied rules, we found ourselves scratching our heads at certain points where there seemed to be no direction. If you could take some time to answer some questions, I would really appreciate it.
1. During the battle phase, it simply says put all attacking and all defending units on the battle strip. Does this include every unit in the territory? Because I was using a fighter, and the space had some tanks and infantry, so would they be thrown on the strip as well to take out my fighter? That just doesn’t make sense to me so I’m doubting that’s the case. Also, if I attacked a bomber with a fighter, and the space also had AAA and an enemy fighter on it as well, would the defender use the AAA, fighter, and bomber for defense rolls? Is the fighter optional?
2. Do units take any kind of damage counters, or does it work in a way where if they are successfully hit by an attacking force, they are simply destroyed (easiest example to think of for me is battleship…the ship gets hit but doesnt sink until 4 successful hits). Also on that, if I successfully hit one out of 3 units of the defending force, do I decide what is destroyed, the defender, or do we roll a die or something to let chance decide?
I can’t really think of anymore blaring questions right now, but I’m sure I’ll have more. Learning this game for the first time with (what I believe) a very vague rulebook is about as fun as slamming my head against a wall repeatedly. If you guys can help me out (mainly with the battlephase) I would really appreciate this. If at all possible, just describe the whole battle phase as detailed as possible. Three of us have been skimming the net to find anything about our questions and our searches have returned fruitless. I hope that doesn’t just mean everyone else gets it and we’re stupid :P.
Again, thanks for any help at all.