Background: This post is in response to the Alpha 2 rules. I have set up the board but not played it. I am aware of the number of pieces added and moved compared to the Out Of Box (OOB) placement for which I have many games played regarding the Pacific Theater.
I agree with Jennifer that Australia can be an area of focus early on. I disagree with believing China is not worth it. I have ignored China to my peril. When playing Japan I select from 1 of the following 2 strategies:
India first with an early drive on China, secure south pacific islands and focus on Hawaii or Australia last for the win.
Cripple Australia first (staging on Caroline Islands) sweep to the south pacific islands choke off India and use minor factories to hold mainland victory cities. Capture Hawaii and Australia for the win, leaving India and W.US as the only allied cities.
I believe Japan has been given plenty of Infantry on mainland Asia to drive China into a manageable box, if not take them out. Many people have put forward the best ways to take India first, so I will focus on option 2, and address Jennifer’s desired approach. I believe this is a harder approach to victory, but a viable choice.
This theory-craft is not tested, but is loosely based on other experiences, it is not my intent to make a blanket statement or imply certain success. Care should be taken when employing any strategy that is not well understood ,executed, or proven successful. Reader discretion is advised.
An early key to crippling Anzac is the 2 starting subs Japan begins the game with. I would suggest a starting purchase of 2 subs and 2 transports in addition to your starting fleet. I suspect you will want to keep the US neutral for 3 turns, so Anzac will have the opportunity to expand, however their NO’s are tied to being at war, so they are likely to collect them once as Japan will be poised to cripple their economy swiftly.
From Caroline Islands, subs can reach convoy zones off of New South wales and Queensland. 3 subs will see Anzac brought to 5 IPCs, with 3 transports, New Zealand, W. Australia, and new Britain will remove 3 more IPCs and all NOs. Philippines, Celebes Islands and Java are all in range of Caroline Islands as well. By staging 6 or more transports loaded with units on Caroline Islands, Anzac will be forced to build land units and keep them in New South Wales.
Turn 1, the whole fleet should be moved to Caroline Islands and Paulau(ships that can’t make Caroline). This threat of a turn 2 assault should keep Anzac from building navy. So to summarize on turn 3 or 4, when Japan spreads out from Caroline, Australia will be brought to 2 IPCs(+2 if they have Brazil), they get 3 if they manage to retake W. Australia. Taking New Britain keeps Anzac from having its island chain and original territories NO.
Staging the whole fleet on the Carolines will see the US pull its fleet back to W. US in all likelihood unless they are going Japan first. If New south wales can be taken with Hawaii by turn 7, you should still hold your starting cities and have a win.
Remember transports built in Japan can help you take Phillippines back from UK or in seizing Hawaii. If Anzac builds 3 units a turn, they will have 18 land units plus allied planes on turn 4. In theory, you can have your air force on Caroline by turn 3. They can land on New Zealand turn 4 if you capture it on turn 3 (grab Northwest territory or W. Australia too on turn 4 when you land air force), giving you range to hit New south wales with your whole air force and land on W or N. Australia by turn 5. (a few planes can be kept on Caroline to protect transports if they land on carriers off New South Wales). 3-6 loaded transports with your air force should be enough to take it on round 5 if this plan works. If you are not ready to take on turn 5 due to other air power needs, you will have choked off Anzacs wealth.
I envision most of Japan’s builds being transports and land units maybe 1 or 2 complexes, India could go navy early on, but should not be able to destroy Japan’s fleet. China will be fought with starting pieces, ignoring Russia will free up 12 more land units to drive on China with.
Just some food for thought. Comments anyone?