Do you guys really want to compare NFL talent with the CFL or Europe football? The best CFL team could not beat the worse NFL team.
Well I seem to remember the last olympics, where an almost 100% black, and certainly 100% all star team of NBA athlethes was put together, and called an “American Dream Team.” Only to get their ass beat back into the ghetto, by a bunch of hoodlums from Argentina, and other “talentless” countries as Americans would put it.
So yea, I would compare the calibre of the CFL or Europe to that of an NFL team, even if the NFL teams won 4 out of 5 games, it still comes down to 1 game, and all kinds of things can go wrong. Hence, they should not be called the “World Champions.”
Also, the “world series” The Toronto Blue Jays account for a second country being involved in the series, so that “could” stick as an international definition, that or they should include teams from China and Japan, to make baseball more interesting…