K thanks!
Subs and Destroyer, Starting in same territory
In my current game
German subs just west of Denmark, UK sends destroyer into territory. Does not attack. Only intends to keep them from moving through, the idea, subs must attack UK destroyer keeping them in the sea zone/
So on Germany’s turn, they start their turn with their subs sharing a sea zone with destroyer. According to the rules, referencing capital ships, they can move out of the territory without combat on thier combat move and attack something else. Can the subs do this???
if the destroyer doesn’t attack the submarine the submarine stay in peace in the sea zone
if on german turn the submarine and the destroyer start together the submarine can do its 2 movements and eventualy attack another ship
Only if a submarine try to cross with his movement a sea zone where there is an enemy destroyer the owner of the destroyer can choose if attack the submarine or not
i think this should answer to your question
The subs must either attack or move away.
But if the Subs move away during their Combat Move phase, can they still conduct another combat in a different sea zone? Or must they move into a friendly sz?
the sub can do another fight in another sea zone