• Here’s a version of Func’s latest G40 map with all of the territories and seazones named. I like being able to look at the map and see the names easily. The writing is small and a bit faint but I didn’t want it to be too obtrusive.

    Just download the map.bmp file and paste it into the G4F folder. I would move the existing map.bmp folder so that you can switch back if you want.


    And nice work Func! The new map looks sleek and clean.


  • @gamerman01:

    Sweet, thanks Wonko.  Do you not have “Bigpieces” installed?  They look a lot better than the default icons…

    No problem  :-D  I just use the regular sized units, do Bigpieces work with G40? And where do you get them?

  • Hmm…I have the bigpieces image file in Funcs G4F folder but it won’t activate. I toggled it a couple of times with no luck. Ah well, I don’t mind using the small pieces, I’m used to them now.

  • @Sgt.:

    Hmm…I have the bigpieces image file in Funcs G4F folder but it won’t activate. I toggled it a couple of times with no luck. Ah well, I don’t mind using the small pieces, I’m used to them now.

    Right.  Well, when someone with more knowledge than I have about ABattlemap reads this, they will enlighten you.

    Meanwhile, I have managed to install your labeled map, and it appears to be working for the games I already have in progress.  It is a HUGE improvement, and I will really enjoy the labels, so thank you VERY MUCH!  :-)

  • One more thing - did you try closing out of the program and re-opening?  I just remembered you might have to do that to make it work.  Then try toggling again if it doesn’t immediately look different.  If that doesn’t work, that’s all I know to try.  I think it will work.

  • @gamerman01:

    One more thing - did you try closing out of the program and re-opening?  I just remembered you might have to do that to make it work.  Then try toggling again if it doesn’t immediately look different.  If that doesn’t work, that’s all I know to try.  I think it will work.

    That did it. I had to activate big pieces and then restart.


    Meanwhile, I have managed to install your labeled map, and it appears to be working for the games I already have in progress.  It is a HUGE improvement, and I will really enjoy the labels, so thank you VERY MUCH!  :-)

    Thanks! I’m glad you find it useful. The first one I did for the last version of G40 had bigger fonts and more contrast between the territories and letters. It was pretty distracting. I’m a lot happier with the way this one turned out.

  • I’ve finished the first version of my module. Its based on the modules of Funcioneta and Stoney229… what I did was make the map bigger and put all the NO’s on their own chart and the artwork is different as well. Give it a try and let me know of any improvements or fixes it needs… I’m also providing a link to the Paint.net source files… you just need Paint.net which can be found at www.getpaint.net

    You will notice a few differences… like damage… you’ll need to use the damage icon toolpeice to do damage… this is done to prevent overdamaging. Anyway feel free to use the source files and make the artwork/module better or let me know what you’d like changed.

    TMTM’s G40 Alpha2 module http://www.axisandallies.us/T40beta1.zip

    The source files http://www.axisandallies.us/T40gimsourcefiles.zip

  • @TMTM:

    I’ve finished the first version of my module. Its based on the modules of Funcioneta and Stoney229… what I did was make the map bigger and put all the NO’s on their own chart and the artwork is different as well. Give it a try and let me know of any improvements or fixes it needs… I’m also providing a link to the Paint.net source files… you just need Paint.net which can be found at www.getpaint.net

    You will notice a few differences… like damage… you’ll need to use the damage icon toolpeice to do damage… this is done to prevent overdamaging. Anyway feel free to use the source files and make the artwork/module better or let me know what you’d like changed.

    TMTM’s G40 Alpha2 module http://www.axisandallies.us/T40beta1.zip

    The source files http://www.axisandallies.us/T40gimsourcefiles.zip

    how would there be overdamaging?

  • India starts with 17 instead of 16 in Alpha2

  • No need to copy “using US artillery pieces” to the China NO, since we have Chinese artillery pieces with Battlemap.  :-)

    Nice work!  At last we have working Alpha 2 NO boxes!

  • @Stoney229:


    I’ve finished the first version of my module. Its based on the modules of Funcioneta and Stoney229… what I did was make the map bigger and put all the NO’s on their own chart and the artwork is different as well. Give it a try and let me know of any improvements or fixes it needs… I’m also providing a link to the Paint.net source files… you just need Paint.net which can be found at www.getpaint.net

    You will notice a few differences… like damage… you’ll need to use the damage icon toolpeice to do damage… this is done to prevent overdamaging. Anyway feel free to use the source files and make the artwork/module better or let me know what you’d like changed.

    TMTM’s G40 Alpha2 module http://www.axisandallies.us/T40beta1.zip

    The source files http://www.axisandallies.us/T40gimsourcefiles.zip

    how would there be overdamaging?

    Hey Stoney! A player at AAMC.net who asked me to build this module told me that you can over damage the UK/Scotland with zones 119 and 109. If you put 8 damage in z109 it will do the max damage allowed to the 2 combined but if you also add 2 damage to z119 it ends up damaging you 10 when the limit is 8… thats what I was told

  • @gamerman01:

    India starts with 17 instead of 16 in Alpha2

    I thought I adjusted it but maybe the save didn’t take. Just need to swap ownership with the sektor editor with West India and British Columbia.

  • @gamerman01:

    No need to copy “using US artillery pieces” to the China NO, since we have Chinese artillery pieces with Battlemap.  :-)

    Nice work!  At last we have working Alpha 2 NO boxes!

    Not sure what you mean… to tell you the truth I’ve never played Global yet… I’m going to make a new forum post so I don’t confuse my module with the one of this post. Most of the credit for my module goes to Funcioneta and Stoney as I used a lot of the works they already done.

  • @TMTM:


    India starts with 17 instead of 16 in Alpha2

    I thought I adjusted it but maybe the save didn’t take. Just need to swap ownership with the sektor editor with West India and British Columbia.

    No, I’m talking about the number of icons in the cash on hand.  You should add one and re-save it.  It’s not a sektor editor issue.

  • @TMTM:


    No need to copy “using US artillery pieces” to the China NO, since we have Chinese artillery pieces with Battlemap.  :-)

    Nice work!  At last we have working Alpha 2 NO boxes!

    Not sure what you mean… to tell you the truth I’ve never played Global yet… I’m going to make a new forum post so I don’t confuse my module with the one of this post. Most of the credit for my module goes to Funcioneta and Stoney as I used a lot of the works they already done.

    The rulebook says to use USA artillery for China, because the physical game does not have Chinese artillery (or a Chinese plane).  This phrase is unnecessary on ABattlemap because the toolbar includes Chinese artillery.

  • @gamerman01:



    No need to copy “using US artillery pieces” to the China NO, since we have Chinese artillery pieces with Battlemap.  :-)

    Nice work!  At last we have working Alpha 2 NO boxes!

    Not sure what you mean… to tell you the truth I’ve never played Global yet… I’m going to make a new forum post so I don’t confuse my module with the one of this post. Most of the credit for my module goes to Funcioneta and Stoney as I used a lot of the works they already done.

    The rulebook says to use USA artillery for China, because the physical game does not have Chinese artillery (or a Chinese plane).  This phrase is unnecessary on ABattlemap because the toolbar includes Chinese artillery.

    Hi, I’ve become busy these days… if you can adjust the units on the map and save it and email it to me… i’ll use it for the next update… i’ll msg u my email

  • Sure, just so everyone knows, I will edit anything I can find (there’s probably only a couple of very minor things) and submit it to you for consideration.  I will have it all sent to you tonight.

    I am eager for the day I start a new 1940 game and can use this module.

  • Edits made, and sent to TMTM
    See attached - I think it’s ready to use!

    Alpha2 start TMTM.AAM

  • @gamerman01:

    Edits made, and sent to TMTM
    See attached - I think it’s ready to use!

    Got it! Thanks! I have started a new topic for my module at http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22555.0

    I’ll include your fixes on the next update

  • From I can see, you didn’t made the actual map greater, just the charts next to the map. I’m not sure if separate NOs are the best solution, but it can work until Larry ends the game (in a year maybe?  :|)

    If I remember right, alpha has the NAP treaty as a NO. A option would be mark the optional box with 12 IPCs. After used once, delete them

    ACME wall box still alives in your module. Great!  :lol:

    I like your tech chart more than the one I used

    I’d change colors for UK and Japan. Units should be of the same colour than territories. Same goes for Italy. It’s a non-plain color system, so it can be difficult to customize at user tastes. India and UK territories should really have different colours

    I didn’t noticed the convoy stuff. It’s so rare and so unique that you can overconvoy Scotland (or Greece) that maybe is better just remember it, but it’s difficult find a good solution anyway

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