@argothair yes that indeed is an issue. That is why i stop doing taranto but this form of Gibastion. This way i save the fleet and carrier. So UK 2 i move them (UK fighters from the Med and London who are now in algeria) to Egypte and there on to Moscow. Togethee with the Anzac fighters this gives Russia a bit of breathing space.
The factory in Egypte buys subs and a fighter turn two and from turn 3 on fighters abd Land units .
It is not the perfect plan but wirh a US going 75% KJF you can’t invade Europe direct.
Just USA and UK….....game over?
Hi, I’m at end of R-6.
Japan has taken ANZAC, INDIA, most of CHINA.
Italy has the MED, almost all of africa, the middle east and is almost on Moscow (industry in Iraq) with super-subs able to hold off USA navy and makes more than Germany, and even has the top UK territory.
Germany gave up on russia, sending all eastern units to help Italy, and is ready to build subs to counter USA.
Since Russia will fall within 3 turns, and i can sub the north atlantic and land in UK eventually…Will USA and UK be able to win? Japan at 72 will soon concentrate all on USA.
“can” win … yes …
“likely” to win … no. It all depends on how long you want to play for i guess and just how lucky (or unlucky) the US/UK are with the dice.
never give up… look around closely at the board, maybe you’ll see something that your enemy isn’t expecting
I tend to never give up as often when it seems like all is lost you can recover and swing things in the opposite favour.
Quickly knock the board over, and make it look like it was someone else that did it. That way it will be the game that no one can confirm you lost.
Quickly knock the board over, and make it look like it was someone else that did it. That way it will be the game that no one can confirm you lost.
haha, you could always pose some sort of stampede through the game room, know any young children, they would be good for this… haha
Well, i’m actually playing the axis, so i’m glad everyone thinks i can win. I know some debate sea lion and if it should be done, I didn’t….just took france and pushed eastword.
Italy making more than Germany that is amazing.
Well, i’m actually playing the axis, so i’m glad everyone thinks i can win. I know some debate sea lion and if it should be done, I didn’t….just took france and pushed eastword.
I do the same, I only perform Sea Lion when the UK doesn’t defend well enough. If they do not take a sea lion threat seriously then I will always take the opportunity to embarrass them.
The odd thing is, USA ignored the pacific after i took out a bunch of jets as they attacked the japan mainland….then he just built a ton of $20 battleships with no transports or any land units. That is probably the reason i’m winning.