Good Action Argo ! Sounds way cool. Do you plan on making a triplea version ?
New Major Complex Plastic Pieces for AA40 games!
I had a brainwave looking at the pieces that come with the new version of Risk - their “city” pieces are perfect as Major Industrial Complexes for the 1940 series!
Use your 1942 Complexes as Minors, and these as Majors. They are made in the same factory as A&A pieces and color match perfectly!The cost is $2.50 for 15 cities (you get a set of blue arrows as well, they are in the same bag):
Pics of them in action:
Somebody didn’t read the rule about downgrading captured complexes!
Pics are of AAE40 game in progress. Rule does not apply.
even if it did apply just switch from the risk pieces to the old axis pieces. Some people are so stupid I really wonder how they get out of bed in the morning
I’m not quite getting what you are saying.
Obviously, if I was playing Global and the “downgrade” rule was in effect, I would swap a Risk (Major Complex) piece for an A&A (Minor Complex) piece.
It’s not rocket science.
hey Reloader,
Thanks for the heads up on these major IC pieces.Ordered them last week and got them today. fast! These look so cool next to the other AApieces. I use Fortress America pieces for cities. you dont really need a city piece but it looks awesome. Again thanks, it is easier on the eyes with such a large board to locate and distingiush ICs quickly. -
Those look great.
We just took old industrial complexes from all the old versions of AA that we had and painted about half of them red. We chose red because it uses the same logic as the chips and it stands out as well.
Thanks Reloader, great Idea, I’ve been looking for something cool to mark my Cities. I got all my white IC from my original 1980’s game and gray ones from the new game. So I don’t need IC markers, however, I’ve been wanting to make victory cities and capitals. I’m deep into all the plastic stuff about the game. I took my fighers from the orignal game and painted them gold and glued them on top of the cities from Fortress America, using them to make airbases. And took trans from the old game cut them down some and glued them to a button base for navel bases. (the pic I use on her shows them) I think I have a plastic addition. I even got fire to mark a captured city and smoke to mark a capital ship with a hit. Again thanks for the great idea, I’m ordering in the morning.
bump - maybe a sticky?
use hotels and houses from monopoly. everyone has a copy of monopoly laying around.
For $2.50 shipped you get something that is much better and “fits” on the A&A board. It looks like it belongs - a big red house doesn’t do it for me :-)
Another cheap alternative:
I thought about the Risk pieces, but I used some old AA factories. Stenciled and sealed them.
This morning on my way to the office I saw a truck belonging to this company. My first thought when I noticed their logo was, “I wonder if they had anything to do with the decision to eliminate the plastic industrial complex sculpts from A&A Global 1940?” All that’s missing for the two broken block pieces to look like classic ICs are the chimneys on the side.
The chimney’s are hidden in the A and A lettering! Smashed out by the swinging ball!
Does it matter which color armies you order, are all the “cities” grey?
Does it matter which color armies you order, are all the “cities” grey?
Doesn’t matter. They’re all grey.
Stop! It does matter! Only the “blue” set comes with those pieces.
Pics are of AAE40 game in progress. Rule does not apply.
When playing with the Alpha 2 set up and rules, I believe it does also apply to A&AEurope40, doesn’t it?