Cool - straightens that all up for me. Here’s another one: French Indo China’s IPCs constituent a part of the French economy at the start of the game. I know that Japan or an Allied nation can move in and take control of it.
An Allied nation can take control of it if Paris is controlled by the Axis, yes.
As I understand it, this would be the same as any territory being temporarily controlled by a friendly power while the original owner’s capital is under enemy occupation.
So my question is this: in the event that Paris is liberated, French Indo China would then revert back to French control as long as an Axis player hasn’t captured it, right?
I assume this is the case, but just wanted to make sure there wasn’t some unique about FIC that I wasn’t aware of.
FIC is more of a “special case” if you are playing Pacific 1940 alone.
Also - for Japan to occupy FIC would technically require a declaration of war by Japan against France, wouldn’t it?
Yes. But this is no big deal, because it doesn’t affect the USA, or the status between Japan and ANZAC/UK.