I hope I didn’t come across too much like bitching. I love the work you guys are doing. I’ve put in my 2 cents when I thought it deemed it. Keep it up.
But let’s finish…… :wink:
There’s no reason to call it 100% finished as long as there are still ways people feel it can be improved and people are willing to do the work to improve it. You could call it finished at any moment if you want, but doing so would only prevent [official] changes that are thought to be improvements to the game… otherwise they wouldn’t be considered for changes anyway. When AAP40 was as old is Alpha+2 is now, people were still calling it just as balanced as people are calling Alpha+2… even “the most balanced of any AA game”. but after many, many games they began to realize it was very unbalanced… even the least balanced of any AA game (at the time). It takes a long time for the whole community to really explore all the potential strategies, but there is no reason it should be a matter of patience or whatever since the game is already out and you can play it as is for as long as you want.
Air units may only fly over a strict or unfriendly neutral if they are attacking it.
Can you clarify this? Do you mean to say that air units not involved in attacking the neutral territ can still fly over it if other units are attacking said territ?
I assume you don’t mean to imply that units can fly over in noncombat if units attacked the territ but didn’t capture it?