Yes, ignore that, as this is related to the forum software change that occurred in 2018. Some characters haven’t been converted correctly.
Couple questions.
Neutral territories: If it is Pro-Axis and Germany moves in they get the number of Infantry listed correct? If it is Pro-Axis, and Allies attack can you choose any Infantry to put in there? If Axis is successful, and say Germany Infantry are used, should Germany get there and claim the territory do they get the remaining Infantry? Or do the Infantry get removed post combat, and new ones placed if Allies attack again?
I/C’s: If there is a Minor I/C on a territory with a 2, can it be upgraded for 20 IPCs, or only if the territory has a 3?
That’s all for now I think.
Yes, they get those inf. It doesn’t really matter which inf you pick since they’re still neutral. Thus, even if you place German inf, Italy can move in and spawn Italian inf
No upgrade since Majors can’t be built on 2 ipc territory
To elaborate on Calvin’s response, the infantry are placed in an attacked neutral territory only once per game. If they are not completely eliminated by the attack, the survivors remain in the territory and cannot move unless the territory is claimed by a power on that side. If it is claimed, the infantry are converted to the claiming power’s units, if they aren’t already.
If both sides are eliminated the tt has to be marked somehow as “Pro” as there are no defenders indicating which side it’s aligned to.
Can such a tt be blitzed through?
If both sides are eliminated the tt has to be marked somehow as “Pro” as there are no defenders indicating which side it’s aligned to.
An upside down control marker works just fine.
Can such a tt be blitzed through?
Yes, as it’s unoccupied.
Can, a german tank, move of two through Iraq (pro-axis neutral and activate it) and go in North o eastern Persia (Axis controlled)?
If both sides are eliminated the tt has to be marked somehow as “Pro” as there are no defenders indicating which side it’s aligned to.
An upside down control marker works just fine.
Can such a tt be blitzed through?
Yes, as it’s unoccupied.
Can, a german tank, move of two through Iraq (pro-axis neutral and activate it) and go in North o eastern Persia (Axis controlled)?
I do not believe so. You move into Iraq as a non combat move, taking a pro ally is a combat move. Also I believe moving into a neutral and “activating” it requires the unit “activating” to stop there for the turn.
See page 10, right column, second sentence of second paragraph under the section: “Friendly Neutrals” in the AAEurope1940 rulebook. “They can be moved into (but not through) as a noncombat move by land units of a power that is at war (see Noncombat Move, pg. 21).”
I agree with James. Stefano, I had the same question for awhile. I now think of it this way:
(As James said) you take a friendly neutral during your noncom. You have been able to move through a territory that doesn’t belong to you with a tank (aka blitz) during noncom, and you still can’t. You can blitz unfriendly neutrals because it’s done during the combat move phase.
Also, as James said, the tank has to “take control”, so you can think of it as similar to the reason you can’t blitz through a territory with facilities or an AA gun in it.
Amphip. Assault scenario.
Fleet 1: Destroyer, Cruiser, Transport w/ Inf, Air Carrier w/ 2 planes.
Fleet 2: Air Carrier x2 w/ 2 planes on each.Fleet 1 enters into sea zone w/ enemy ships and conducts sea combat, wins, unloads transports and planes from Air Carrier to land zone.
Fleet 2 moves so that the planes can get to the zone in 4 moves, with one move left to get to the Air Carrier of Fleet 1.
Can the planes from Fleet 2 do this as there is a possibility of them landing on the Air Carrier, or no because there are potentially 6 planes needing to land where there are only 2 known spots? Or yes they can, but any remaining planes over 2 are removed from the board?
If the carrier in fleet 1 is the only landing spot within range, only 2 planes may attack.
Also, if the planes are attacking the land territory, they must move there during combat movement, before the sea combat is resolved. They may not participate in both the sea and land battles. If the sea battle fails, the planes must still attack alone, but may retreat after one round of combat.
Suppose an infantry moves into a Pro neutral and activates it. Can a tank then move 2 spaces through the tt on the same NCM turn?
If not, it might seem bizarre that a hostile tank can move through an unactivated neutral (with no defenders via blitz as above), but a friendly power has to stop there.
Perhaps a friendly tank should be allowed to move through, even if it is the unit activating the neutral.
Suppose an infantry moves into a Pro neutral and activates it. Can a tank then move 2 spaces through the tt on the same NCM turn?
If not, it might seem bizarre that a hostile tank can move through an unactivated neutral (with no defenders via blitz as above), but a friendly power has to stop there.
Violence against defenseless enemies yields quicker results than diplomacy with reticent friends.
For Mec Inf to blitz they have to be matched up with an armor. Is that a one to one deal or can 2 mec inf blitz along with a single arm.
The rules mention pairing but its not crystal clear to me so I just want to check.
For Mec Inf to blitz they have to be matched up with an armor. Is that a one to one deal or can 2 mec inf blitz along with a single arm.
The rules mention pairing but its not crystal clear to me so I just want to check.
I think your gut instinct is correct. One on one pairing.
See page 26, AAEurope1940 rulebook, top of page, left column, second sentence. “A paired tank and mechanized infantry unit that encounters enemy units in the first territory it enters must stop there, even if the unit is an antiaircraft gun, industrial complex, air base, or naval base.” - This is a clear reference to Pairing…although this sentence does not fit your question, it is a clear that pairing applies to Mechanized that wish to blitz as this is found under the “Blitz” section that begins on the bottom right part of page 25.
Edit: See page 14, same rulebook, section “Tanks, Mechanized Infantry, and Blitzing”, second sentence:" In addition, one mechanized infantry unit can move along with each blitzing tank."
Got it. Missed the reference on page 14. That’s what I was looking for. Thanks.
Question Krieg, If you obtain radar, do the benefits transfer over to the air defense of ICs and bases as well, or just the actual AA pieces? In other words, if I’m being strategically bombed, and I have radar, does my anti aircraft hit on a 2? I don’t have the rulebook since it’s a friends game, so that’s why I ask.
From page #37:
4. Radar. Your antiaircraft fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.I know you didn’t have the rulebook, so there it is. Radar improves ALL antiaircraft fire immediately. It’s freaking awesome.
Interestingly, this was the first question that popped into my head after reading the rule book, and I would beg to differ.
p.37 under radar doesn’t say: “Your antiaircraft fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1” as you quoted, it says “Your antiaircraft [GUN] fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1”.
As the AA [GUN] is now a specific piece designed to defend military ground units from air attack rather than a general territory defender, and facilities are listed as having “self-defense antiaircraft ability” rather than “anti-aircraft gun” I think it is open to debate on facility AA hitting on a 1 or 2 with Radar.
Stratigic bombing is already pretty marginal given facility automatic AA fire plus intercepters, a nation that develops Radar would become functionally immune to raiding. I would argue against granting facility AA radar bonus myself.
Question Krieg, If you obtain radar, do the benefits transfer over to the air defense of ICs and bases as well, or just the actual AA pieces? In other words, if I’m being strategically bombed, and I have radar, does my anti aircraft hit on a 2? I don’t have the rulebook since it’s a friends game, so that’s why I ask.
From page #37:
4. Radar. Your antiaircraft fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.I know you didn’t have the rulebook, so there it is. Radar improves ALL antiaircraft fire immediately. It’s freaking awesome.
Interestingly, this was the first question that popped into my head after reading the rule book, and I would beg to differ.
p.37 under radar doesn’t say: “Your antiaircraft fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1” as you quoted, it says “Your antiaircraft [GUN] fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1”.
As the AA [GUN] is now a specific piece designed to defend military ground units from air attack rather than a general territory defender, and facilities are listed as having “self-defense antiaircraft ability” rather than “anti-aircraft gun” I think it is open to debate on facility AA hitting on a 1 or 2 with Radar.
Stratigic bombing is already pretty marginal given facility automatic AA fire plus intercepters, a nation that develops Radar would become functionally immune to raiding. I would argue against granting facility AA radar bonus myself.
That’s all well and good, but you’re wrong. Krieghund said Radar boosts all facilities as well as AA guns. End of story. House rule it all you want, but that’s not the OOB rule.
It applies to facilities as well. This will be in the FAQ.
p.37 under radar doesn’t say: “Your antiaircraft fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1” as you quoted, it says “Your antiaircraft [GUN] fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1”.
As the AA [GUN] is now a specific piece designed to defend military ground units from air attack rather than a general territory defender, and facilities are listed as having “self-defense antiaircraft ability” rather than “anti-aircraft gun” I think it is open to debate on facility AA hitting on a 1 or 2 with Radar.
Stratigic bombing is already pretty marginal given facility automatic AA fire plus intercepters, a nation that develops Radar would become functionally immune to raiding. I would argue against granting facility AA radar bonus myself.
So you’re saying radar shouldn’t help one iota vs. SBR’s? That would be even worse. Why would a power be just as vulnerable to raiding bombers before and after getting radar??
So you’re saying radar shouldn’t help one iota vs. SBR’s? That would be even worse. Why would a power be just as vulnerable to raiding bombers before and after getting radar??
I would be OK with it myself, yes. I’m not talking about the rational of it, I’m talking about the mechanics. Right now, bombing is a marginal attack. It can swing any given game, but on the average over the extended life of Axis and Allies it works out to be just worth it for the the attacker. I feel that Heavy Bombers was the tech counter to Radar, but given it’s current incarnation, isn’t good enough. Even if I had heavies I wouldn’t fly them into a Radar protected facility. To answer your Why? then, when a technology effectively eliminates an option to the foe, and the OOB text can be interpreted in what I feel is a logical way that maintains the current slightly-worth-it position of bombing, do you need another reason?
Now, if the game Q & A guy says no, you’re splitting hairs and Radar upgrades all AA fire and that this will be in an errata to the OOB rules, then you are correct in saying that my interpretation will stand as a house rule. I read the FAQ posted here and I didn’t see, " Krieghund said Radar boosts all facilities as well as AA guns", but given the 35+ number of pages, I accept I could have missed it. I am going to happly play with Radar upgrading facilities, based on Krieghunds comment, “It applies to facilities as well. This will be in the FAQ” It’s a much cleaner rule this way, and alot of Axis rules are deliberately clean.
Just call me blind, but can anyone tell me where in the rules of 1940 Global/Pacific/Europe is stated when subs do emerge again after they’ve submerged?
In the old Pacific and Europe and Revised it’s clearly stated. It’s rather important to know and not to assume when they emerge with the convoy-disruption rules in place.
At the moment we assume they emerge before convoy-disruption right after non-combat movement.
Thanks in advance and kind regards,