If France, Italy, and ANZAC are seperate powers in the two individual games played by seperate players, then why can’t they also be independant powers in the global scenario, making AAG1940 an 8 player game?
France is not going to be an independent power in the Europe game. The OOB rules dictate that it be controlled by one of the players with another Allied power, kinda like China is dictated to be controlled by another Allied player in Pacific.
Then who are the 6 players/nations in AAE1940 if France is to be controlled by another one of the Allies?
I assumed it would be Germany, Italy, US, UK, USSR, and France.
Also, here is a quote from the AAE1940 page of the Wizards website:
“France appears for the first time in Axis & Allies and will represent a new playable ally!”
I think your confusion is between the individual Europe 1940 game and the full combined 1940 game. The individual Europe 1940 game will be 2-5 players (Germany, Italy, US, UK, USSR, + France to one of the other Allied players), the full combined 1940 game will be 2-6 players. Pacific 1940 is only 2-4 players (Japan, US, UK, ANZAC, + China to one of the other Allied players).
Edit: I looked on the website and I see exactly what you’re talking about. Perhaps they will allow France to be played by a separate player in the single Europe 1940, but I think it’s far more likely that the website tech typoed the description based off of the full Global game (this kind of thing happens all the time). It would be pointless (even in the Europe “half-game”) for someone to play just France, as they will have no building capacity once Paris falls after the first or second turn, so the developers of the game (Larry and Krieg) have said that in the OOB rules France should be controlled by another of the Allied players because of this.
But yes, France will be a playable ally, but that simply means you will have control of the army pieces for France (unlike the neutral countries or the Dutch), NOT necessarily that it will be played by a separate person. France will fall either turn 1 or turn 2, unless the Axis player is stupid and just ignores them and lets them keep on earning IPCs and building more units. But once Paris falls France will no longer collect IPCs and will not be able to build any more units, so “playing” them will simply involve moving the existing pieces around the board and hoping the UK and US will liberate Paris. This is why in the OOB rules France will be controlled by a player already with another power.