While I think having cuba be its own power would be cool, it would kind of like having New Zealand be its own power in g40. You would have to wonder how much they really contribute. Maybe you could make it so that the Warsaw Pact can pay to build units to support Castro and the gang in cuba, possibly at higher cost cuz of the blockades and embargoes and stuff, if the Warsaw pact is smart, like they were during the cold war, they’ll buff the hell out of cuba to prevent a traditional land invasion, and nukes aren’t always realistic. If they’re dumb then cuba will just be invaded and it will be an opportunity lost, which absolutely could have happened if the ussr wasn’t paying attention. I’m thinking about alternative rules where one or two players play each Nuetral category so it feels like they’re entities and not roadblocks, but I’ve got a ton of stuff I need to do before then soooooo… The setup for cuba will not change for balancing reasons, it accurately represents their power near it’s height, which was also the time when it was diplomatically plausible for the US to invade. For your expansion however, I recommend cuba starts the game Strict Nuetral with an army of one infantry.
A & A Type World War I Game
Has anyone ever seen a WWI game that uses A&A type game pieces?
Table Tactics produces a set of WWI-style pieces, of which the most distinctively WWI-ish unit is the rhomboid tank: http://www.tabletactics.com/central_powers.html
Ask Imperious Leader about his Great War game. It uses A&A type mechanics but is a bit more complex. I’ve been looking to revise the rules a bit for it for simplification, but I need to playtest my ideas a bit more.
Imperious Leader please tell me about your Great War Game.
Imperious Leader please tell me about your Great War Game.
I apologize, I should have been more helpful but didn’t have time before. Try looking under “Great War” in the Variants section ( I think search is still disabled). You could also PM him for info.
Thanks for the tip but when I tried to search it came back that I am not allowed to search. I did send a PM to Imperious Leader and will wait for his reply.
Here’s what I was looking for. This is great. All the work is done, just print it and get some WWI pieces.