In my 18 years of experience playing Axis & Allies, nothing has been more reflective of my self improvement than how I react to poor dice rolls. From 98 to 2001, I played my best friend every weekend it seemed, and I lost more games than I care to admit, but like clockwork, I was always garunteed to lose my temper with the dice gods. I would scream obscenities and throw my dice across the room, I once even throw them off the belcony of our apartment. It was like this for a long while until I started to improve my attitude about other areas in my life, which eventually helped with my rage toward the dice gods. Of course anyone with this type of emotional investment in something as uncontrollable and random as dice rolls, must be obsessive compulsive or superstitious right? Ya…. For me the throwing surface had to be corse like on a cloth so the dice would tumble and not slide like they would on the cardboard lid of the game box. I had to toss them just right, not drop them or throw them hard, but enough that if I were some how responsible for the out come. I would even build my own dice boxes to roll in and shop all day for the perfect dice to buy.
Well all that history was a primitive state that alowed me to learn the right attitude about reacting to poor dice rolls. Yes, I still like to throw them a certain way, and on a certain surface, with certian dice. However, my perseption has changed greatly, instead of metaphysically demanding a 1 or 2 every roll, I simply ask the universe to be fair. If this doesn’t happen, I no longer throw my dice in anger… I shrug my shoulders in disappointment and continue the game. I have plans and strategies in mind, and if my dice rolls are crap, I view it as a challenge to my ideas. I say, “if my plan is challenged by poor dice rolls and still works, than I have a good game plan”, or “if I continuely roll bad this game, than the challenge is to win in spite of them”. This is my current philosophy toward the dice gods, but it took years of emotional maturity to arrive here.
There is nothing more rewarding when playing Axis & Allies than winning a game in which you had horrible dice rolls. In the past I wouldn’t have even tryed, I would have blamed the dice for my failures, and flipped the table. I’m writing this because a friend of mine has recently lost faith in the game because of it’s unpredictable element of chance. Although I have had my issues with the dice, I have always loved the game. However, Vance has fallen out of love for the game because of its chance mechanic. I can’t bestow my lessons learned, those must be experienced personally, but I’m hoping that my friend has an enlightenment that will allow him to see Axis & Allies differently, and to spit into the faces of the dice good and all their misfortunes of war.
Please help me shine a light on the pain of crappy dice rolls by sharing your stories, and how you react to them. Let’s bring this ugly monster to task, and peel back the layers of control by talking about it here. Let’s begin the healing for all those that have had victory stolen from them because of the unluckyest of rolls. Let’s bring the love of the game back for those that have lost their way.