Why are there Canadian roundels? A new rule perhaps?

  • @johnnymarr:

    I’ll have to check next time I go to my storage unit. I seem to remember lime green US Marines in the old A&A Pacific, but that was only infantry

    in some boxes of Revised, the United Kingdom came in lime green.  My set came with United Kingdom in tan, but the tanks were lime green

    The UK was lime green? I definitely don’t remember that. I thought it might be the US they were talking about.

  • '10

    The UK was lime green?

    in some sets yes.  In others, they were tan. In my case, a little of both

  • @johnnymarr:

    The UK was lime green?

    in some sets yes.  In others, they were tan. In my case, a little of both

    Okay then what color was the US, if the UK was lime green?

  • '10

    what color was the US, if the UK was lime green?

    dark green

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    So then back to topic:
    How will the UK Split income work then?
    I suppose we will now all shift our speculations to India?
    This seems so ahistorical to me; the UK didn’t have to produce jack-squat in India if they didn’t want to but they sure as hell had to produce units in Canada because they couldn’t maintain enough homeland production for defence of the UK.

    Does this mean that the UK will be forced to spend 50% or 40% or 12 IPCs or 8 IPCs in India? How will it be calculated? What happens when Japan has all British territories in the South Pacific except India and I am quite happy to abandon it? Do I still have to place units there?

    Seems like Canadian split income was a much better fit for simplicity’s sake.

    Do we know when the “its just for recognition” announcement came out? Was it before or after the announcement of split income?

  • @Canuck12:

    Do we know when the “its just for recognition” announcement came out? Was it before or after the announcement of split income?

    Yes, it was August 2, 2009. See link:


  • @ Canuck 12: Actually the definitive post is here, it came after the split income post that temporarily revived hopes for some sort of Canadian representation in the game (no one ever thought they’d be a completely independent power, except in house-rule-land):


    And you’re right. The split income goes to India; everything on the Pacific board, in fact. It’s been confirmed, so it’s no longer a subject of speculation (except in some of the finer details).

    Larry’s been quite forthcoming in the past week, thus we’re starting to get a much better picture of what the Europe and Global '40 games will be like. He’s revealed, for example, that Italy will typically have a very active role in the Middle East, opening up a second front against the USSR from the south…

  • How did the split income revive hope? Canada was never a realistic possibilty on this issue. Was it just wishful thinking?

  • That would make sense, because Winston Churchill was ready to set up his armies in Canada.

  • @Brain:

    How did the split income revive hope? Canada was never a realistic possibilty on this issue. Was it just wishful thinking?

    India is even worst than Canada, specially if India collects income from West Canada and doens’t collect income from West India :-P Check the AAP40 game manual: there is a picture where West Canada is one territory, not 2, and has a UK roundel, not a canadian roundel … seems they cannot decide about this issue  :|

    Why Larry put those canadian roundels if they’re not going to have any role? It’s pointless! You can guess that many of us will ignore that silly India 2nd capital and use the canadians as 2nd capital instead  :wink:

  • I think Larry put the Canadian roundels on the board just as recognition of Canada’s contribution.

  • But from a gaming point of view it has no sense and can confuse some stubborn dudes (and I know some very stubborn dude in my FTF game)  :|

  • I’ve heard about the Pacific IPC going to India and Europe IPCs goign to Britian, but i like the idea of all UK roundels IPCs spent at any UK factory, and all Canadian IPC spent at the Canadian factory, seems simpler. The only reason I can see this wasn’t done is with this set-up UK can throw down 10 INF on India for defense, when in a solo Pacific game they would be down to 4IPCs and ready to be crushed.

  • @cressman8064:

    The only reason I can see this wasn’t done is with this set-up UK can throw down 10 INF on India for defense, when in a solo Pacific game they would be down to 4IPCs and ready to be crushed.

    Tha’ts exactly the reason why Canada should be the 2nd UK economy, not India. India cannot hold poppoing only one dude each round

    As for 10 guys each round at India: probably a horrible idea if germans know what to do, and anyway it can be easily solved: put a minor IC at India instead the big one … or back to old IC AA50 rules for that matter. I still don’t like the new IC mechanic and I still prefer plastic ICs  :wink:

  • @Funcioneta:


    The only reason I can see this wasn’t done is with this set-up UK can throw down 10 INF on India for defense, when in a solo Pacific game they would be down to 4IPCs and ready to be crushed.

    Tha’ts exactly the reason why Canada should be the 2nd UK economy, not India. India cannot hold poppoing only one dude each round

    As for 10 guys each round at India: probably a horrible idea if germans know what to do, and anyway it can be easily solved: put a minor IC at India instead the big one … or back to old IC AA50 rules for that matter. I still don’t like the new IC mechanic and I still prefer plastic ICs  :wink:

    I like plastic ICs better to but I love the knew rules

  • @cressman8064:

    I’ve heard about the Pacific IPC going to India and Europe IPCs goign to Britian, but i like the idea of all UK roundels IPCs spent at any UK factory, and all Canadian IPC spent at the Canadian factory, seems simpler. The only reason I can see this wasn’t done is with this set-up UK can throw down 10 INF on India for defense, when in a solo Pacific game they would be down to 4IPCs and ready to be crushed.

    Yeah, now that you point that out, splitting some of UK’s income to Canada rather than Pacific/Europe would actually help put more action in the Pacific.  Just change the Major IC at India to a Minor IC since having a Major there doesn’t seem accurate anyway, so the UK would have to upgrade before they could drop 10 units there…

    I agree with cressman that the only reaon I can see for the Pacific/Europe split is to keep India from producing a ton of units so that the gameplay doesn’t change too drastically from straight Pacific to Global.  I mean, I agree that strategy playing one of the “half”-games shouldn’t go from India-crush turn 3 in Pacific to UK-takes-over-Asia turn 3 in Global, but it seems that could be solved by giving UK a minor IC instead, since it doesn’t look like UK is ever really going to be able to build 10 units in India with the split the way it is.  Or perhaps if that would still be too powerful, split India into two or three territories like Great Britain now will be, and make them worth less than 3 IPCs each so India is limited to minor ICs entirely. :|

  • Well, India had a population of 400 millions in 1939, and Canada had only 7 millions, so its only logical that India is the main contributor. I know some canucks here dont like to hear that, but my country Norway contributed a lot more to the allied war effort than Canada, without being recognized for that, so I say stop whining.

  • @i:

    ahh razor in ww1 we had 8 million people so i think in ww11 we would have  more.

    The difference of 1 million more in Canada to 400 million in India is only 0.5%.  He’s saying that Canada had 5% of India’s population.  Whether that equates to more impact on the war is debatable, but saying that Canada had slightly more doesn’t affect his argument the way it is stated.

  • @i:



    ahh razor in ww1 we had 8 million people so i think in ww11 we would have  more.

    The difference of 1 million more in Canada to 400 million in India is only 0.5%.  He’s saying that Canada had 5% of India’s population.  Whether that equates to more impact on the war is debatable, but saying that Canada had slightly more doesn’t affect his argument the way it is stated.

    okay razor said there were 7 million people in canada during 1940 well i my website like it says there was 11,382,000
    big difference and like cminke said around 80% of canada went to fight in ww11 and fought all over the wester front like at dieppe, d-day, opperation torch, sisily, italy, market garden, holland, and germany the fought in the atlantic and in hong kong, also they fought in belgium.
    were did india fight?

    Dunkirk, East Africa, Syria, Iraq, Iran, North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece India, Burma, Malaya, Hong Kong

    By the way, Canada’s army was mostly conscripts. India had the largest volunteer army in history: 2.5 million. Canada’s army, navy, and air force: 1.1 million.

  • @cminke:

    rour such an a** i rock :wink: :-D
    and canada did not concript we voluntered. :x
    i dis like your assumption but i forgive u  :-( :-)

    Sorry, you’re right. Conscription only happened in 1944.

    The point still stands that India mobilized more soldiers than Canada

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