• I thaught this up as a method for cutting down on the down time between turns.

    Turns are taken simultaneously
    Turn sequence
    1. Collect Income and Purchase units(in secret)
    2. Activation phase(basically non-combat,combat, conduct-combat, place units all in one)

    I think the first phase is self explanetory. but please ask if it dosnt make sence.

    In phase 2 players or sides alternate activating territories. Only one territory is activated at a time and any player can activate any territory. When a territory is activated place an upsidedown roundel ontop and leave it their until the end of the turn. The player that controls the activated territory can move any units that have range into that territory. They may also place any purchased units if there is an IC. No units can move out of a territory once it is activated. After the player controling the territory has done what is essentialy his non-combat and place units phase for that territory, the player or side that is non incontrol can conduct combat movement against that territory and conduct any resulting combat. Players or sides alternate activating territories until they both decline activating new territories.

    Thats basicaly it, what do you think? did that makes sence?

    I havnt playtested this yet, but i hopefully will get a change this weekend.
    I lot still needs to be worked out so i would appreciate feedback.

  • You must be reading my posts at HGD.

    The exact same thing except reversed. Builds and place are at end of turn. This gets two things:

    1. Builds model combat loses and reflect how nations changed production standards after the effects of military campaigns

    2. This system is more forgiving of mistakes leading to getting your capital sacked because you didn’t leave enough defending

  • If this is what you were refering to and i am reading it right you must be misreading my post.
    IL quote

    {Considering France, Canada and ANZAC, as well as Italy are now getting this a 8-9 nation turn sequence i propose this to fix the downtime issues because my All Axis All Allies turn sequence was not considered…

    Here goes:

    All nations just perform combat movement , combat, and NCM in the national sequence

    Income collection, Technology development, and placement are all done simultaneously by all.

    what this solves:

    1. double income collection issue
    2. downtime waiting for your turn
    3. players who go first have a larger advantage because if you play after your fighting that enemies new units, so essentially by moving latter your always fighting the enemies extra turn worth of forces.
    4. it forces players to think more about placements and increases decisions that you have to make on defense
    5. It stops the tech spurge and cheap plays like Sealion on G1, where you go all tech hoping for LRA}

  • In my suggestion players are essentialy taking one battle or movement at a time. There are not any national phases every country is talking their turn at  the same time except in the second phase your alternating deciding which territory units can move, attack, have combat in and be built in.

    I like you idea too, but mine is much more radical while yours essentialy keeps the core of the game totaly intact. I was wondering how people think this will effect gameplay and if it makes any sence or if they like the idea.

    And i suppose it does make sence to have collect income and purchase units as the second phase instead of the first.

  • ok. one nation moves one group of pieces and fights, then another? Don’t you think this will take a loooong time to finish?

    The idea is to keep move, combat, and perhaps NCM in proper turn sequence, THEN everybody at the same time and in SECRET, collect, tech, and build….then place one last time in sequence.

    The other option was to have NCM possibly at the end of the turn, so that players can move new built pieces to speed up the game. Under this option NCM is done at end


    move-- in national sequence
    combat–in national sequence

    collect–together, secret
    buy tech–together, secret
    build–together, secret

    place-- in national sequence

    Under what you propose, it looks like AA battle of the bulge kind of move and attack set up right?

  • @Imperious:

    ok. one nation moves one group of pieces and fights, then another? Don’t you think this will take a loooong time to finish?

    The idea is to keep move, combat, and perhaps NCM in proper turn sequence, THEN everybody at the same time and in SECRET, collect, tech, and build….then place one last time in sequence.

    The other option was to have NCM possibly at the end of the turn, so that players can move new built pieces to speed up the game. Under this option NCM is done at end


    move-- in national sequence
    combat–in national sequence

    collect–together, secret
    buy tech–together, secret
    build–together, secret

    place-- in national sequence

    Under what you propose, it looks like AA battle of the bulge kind of move and attack set up right?

    I have never played A&ABoTB, but its more like players alternate picking territories: the owner of the territory can non-combat move and build into that territory, while the non-owner can attack and combat in that territory. A  chip is placed on the territory once it is activated showing that it cant be activated anymore and that any units in that territory cannot be moved until the next turn.

    I could see how games could take longer overall, but in my system players would be constently be going back and forth against each other which i feel may result in more fun, strategy and variablity.

  • This is what they do in AA Battle of the bulge. each player conducts one attack, then they alternate till one runs out of fuel or ammo.

    I think it could work in AA42, but in AA50 or AAG40 many territories means alot of start and stops with players making on the spot assessments which makes the game go on much longer because of unforeseen events. People cant plan their moves while others are playing because almost anything may happen. The other problem is you are now doing things that reflect how well you did in the past battle. If you did really poorly in one spot your not committed to your new plan. Before you already made all your moves, so your stuck for at least one round of battle regardless of what happens elsewhere. This is something i like in these games because 20/20 vision is not always possible.

    Conversely, if you did well on the dice it could get into alot of increasingly risky battles that mirror something of a problem gambler chasing good money after bad. This would destroy his position/game because he might press his bad play with crazy stunts to try to fix his problem. The OOB seems to prevent this based on its turn structure.

    I guess try it out?

  • I just read the BotB rule book, and my rules are only similiar in that your alternating within a turn, however thats the only similiarity. In BotB your choosing a territory units can move from in mine your choosing a territory that units can move,attack, combat and build into. Both sides move when a territory is activated.

    My feeling is that it will allow for more player interaction.
    But your right I should playtest it.

  • My suggestion to the downtime while another player is doing their turn is beer.  In the group I play with, the players who are not involved chill out with a couple of brewskies and some light-hearted conversation.  Just don’t let the alcohol sway your tactical decisions too much.

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