Moses’ Masterpiece #6
This is my standard UK strategy that I like use when I’m looking for Germany First and Japan Later. Obviously it’s based highly on the actions that USA and USSR performs, so make sure your player(s) know that this is a joint game. I’m not very happy with it, since there’s not much creativity or ATB, but it’s a good game winner.
- UK (30 IPCs)
Buy: 1 Aircraft Carrier (AC), 1 Transport (Trans), 1 Infantry (Inf)
1 Bomber (BR) from United Kingdom (UK) to Strategic Bombing Raid (SBR) Germany
Non-Combat Move:
Return BR to UK. Move 1 Trans from India to pick up 1 Inf from Syria-Iraq and unload in India. Move 2 Fighters (Ftr) from United Kingdom to Karelia. Move 1 Inf from W. Canada to E. Canada.
Remaining IPCs: 1
Income: 26 IPCs
Placement: 1 Trans, 1 AC to North Sea. 1 Inf to UK
Total: 3 Inf, 1 Armor (ARM), 1 BR, 1 Trans, 1 AC (based on troops in UK)
Notes: As you can see, I haven’t made very many attacks with UK. Reason being is that I only play against veteran opponents, and any smart German should have destroyed the UK Navy (all of it) on the first turn. I am also expecting that Egypt will have fallen. If not, then transport 1 Inf from Egypt along with 1 Inf from Syria-Iraq to India, and retreat 1 ARM to South Africa. 26 IPCs is based on Germany taking Egypt and French West and Equatorial Africa.
- UK (27 IPCs)
Buy: 6 Inf
1 BR from UK to SBR Germany
Non-Combat Move:
Return BR to UK. Move 1 AC and 1 Trans (pick up Inf from E. Canada en route) from N. Sea to NE Atlantic.
Remain IPCs: 9
Income: 22 IPCs
Placement: 6 Inf to UK
Total: 9 Inf, 1 ARM, 1 BR
Notes: Another turn where UK hardly attacks or conducts any actions. The big move here is to be sure you move that AC to NE Atlantic. This way, you can provide escort service for the America force due to arrive here Turn (T) 2. Otherwise those US Trans are sitting ducks. 22 IPCs is based on Germany taking Italian East Africa, Belgian Congo, Kenya, and Syria-Iraq. I don’t factor in German SBRs, since it is smarter to hit USSR with SBRs.
- UK (31 IPCs)
Buy: 3 Trans
1 BR from UK to SBR Germany
Non-Combat Move:
Return BR to UK. Move 1 AC and 1 Trans from NE Atlantic to N. Sea. Unload Trans to UK. Move 2 UK ftrs from Karelia to AC.
Remain IPCs: 7
Income: 17 IPCs
Placement: 3 Trans to N. Sea
Total: 9 Inf, 2 ARM, 1 BR, 2 ftrs, 4 Trans, 1 AC
Notes: And yet another turn of buildup. The only attack I made so far was the standard SBR on Germany. IPC count is based on Germany taking South Africa and Japan taking India
- UK (24 IPCs)
Buy: 8 Inf.
Combat Move:
Unload 4 Trans (each loaded with 2 Inf) to Western Europe supported by 2 ftrs and 1 Bomber.
Non-Combat Move:
Move BR and ftrs back to Britain or Africa (depending on where they are needed)
Remaining IPCs: 0
Income: 17 IPCs
Placement: 8 Inf to UK
Total: 9 Inf, 2 ARM, 1 BR, 2 ftrs, 4 Trans, 1 AC
Notes: D-Day for UK on T4! As you can see, this isn’t much of an invasion. I merely make this move to inflict as much German causalities as I can, before the larger American force arrives later on in T4. Basically, attack until the last man and then retreat with your BR and ftrs still intact. If you are still unsure, attack only until Germany has upwards 6 of inf and 4 ftrs still in W Europe. If you see Western Europe only partially defend, instead shift forces to Eastern Europe to help the Russians. IPC count is based on Japan taking Australia, but USA liberating both French Africas.
- UK (17 IPCs)
Buy: 5 Inf
Combat Move:
1 BR from UK to SBR Germany
Non-Combat Move:
Return BR to UK. Land 2 ftrs to W Europe (If able). Unload 4 Trans to W Europe or E Europe (depending on where they are needed).
Remaining IPCs: 2 IPCs
Income: 17 IPCs
Placement: 5 Inf to UK
Total: 6 Inf, 2 ARM, 1 BR, 2 ftrs, 4 Trans, 1 AC
Notes: More of a clean up phase after D-Day. Usually Germany will have retaken W Europe but at heavy causalities. If you’re pretty sure of it, you can invade W Europe again! If the USA manages to hold, then send forces to reinforce their positions against a possible counter attack. If Germany has taken W Europe by force, ferry forces to Eastern Europe.
“Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.” - Patton
[ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-27 14:23 ]