• Yeah, I guess a lot of people are forgetting how much of a role Canada played in the war. Sicily, the D-Day Invasion, the Navy (don’t disrespect Canada’s Navy!), Italy, Canada played a role in them all. I also tried to get China involved in the war (it was also a major player), but it’s really hard against the dominant Japanese air force. I’ve made a scenario to shift the time period to 1937 and 1939 to give China a better chance (don’t want to unbalance things too much), and expanding China to other Asian territories. To make up the difference, I made the islands worth a lot more (for instance Hawaii is now worth an amazing 6!), so we do see many more great Naval Battles between USA and Japan. USA starts of neutral, but since Japan really needs to take those islands, they have to surprise attack and bring the “Sleeping Giant” into the war.

  • Yanny, like I mentioned in the notes for the America strategy, a good way to really make times tough for USA and screw up their timetable is if Japan makes an attempt of trying to take territories such as Brazil and USA. Now generally, I don’t see this happening, and I planned my strategies according to what I’m use to. Remember, every strategy has its flaws! As Rommel once said, “A battle plan never survives contact with the enemy.”

  • True, but, in your strategy, your fairly defenseless vs a Japaneese strike in the Atlantic. In fact, a South African IC could take America out for 3 or 4 turns.

  • A short aside-
    Y, I never really paid that much attention to the # of posts until today.
    Are all posts made in the same visit given the same post #? All of yours and TGM VI’s have the same # don’t they?
    “Just makes you go ‘Hmmmmmm.’”

  • TGM VI, grat werk.
    “I hate that. I hate it when that happens!”

  • Yanny, can you explain to me how South African IC could take America out for 3 or 4 turns? I would think there’s no reason for one and a better IC (a even then I won’t
    “waste” 15 IPCs for Japan) placement might be Egypt.

  • Xi, thanks for the input! :grin:

    I think my next masterpiece will be on Russia. It’ll take awhile. But I can’t wait to get the “trilogy” down on paper.

    “Only the spirit of attack, born in a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be.” - Aldolf Galland
    “Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men.” - Patton

    [ This Message was edited by: TG Moses VI on 2002-05-29 20:12 ]

  • A South African IC is one of the better options for Japan, to make use of their extra navy while diverting as little forces as possible from the push on Russia. Yanny can correct me if he’s talking about something else, but you can swing around South America very early and tie up the US in the Atlantic for a few turns with a pretty large navy operating out of South Africa. I believe he’s saying your strategy is overly susceptible to it.

  • Constructive criticism: The theory behind the strategy is sound, but the execution is extrememly inefficient. You basically aren’t doing anything with the US on Turns 1,3, and 5!

    Another slow turn of building up, but what do you expect from a country half an ocean away from the battlefront? "

    Doesn’t that go against the very heart of your ATB strategy - doing as much as possible in as little time as possible?

    This goes back to the initial conversation I was having with TM about the inefficient US play she was playing against - by delaying one turn and using Eastern Canada as your staging ground instead, you will be bringing troops to the Front each and every turn. Every turn you send transports back to the US East Coast is a wasted turn by the most powerful country in the game.

    Instead of focusing on some of the specific tactical problems above, let’s zoom out and look at the overall strategy:

    Basically, you are transporting 20 Infantry and 1 Armor to the Western Front in 5 Turns. At the end of turn 5 you have 8 transports in Eastern US ready to transport 16 infantry. That means on Turn 6 you will have transported 16 more, then, on Turn 7 you will have to go back to Eastern US and deliver more on Turn 8. Delivering troops every other turn, just like TM was talking about.

    You can and should be delivering troops with the US on EVERY TURN, either to Norway, Western Europe, or Algeria. Buy Turn 5, it will be at least 10 infantry a turn.

    Turns 1-7, you are basically transporting the following: 2,8,0,14,0,16,0

    When you could deliver: 2,4,6,8,10,10,10,12 etc

    Give me some time to work it out on paper and I will post it for you.

    “A clever military leader will succeed in many cases in choosing defensive positions of such an offensive nature from the strategic point of view that the enemy is compelled to attack us in them.” - Moltke

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-30 13:41 ]

  • Ok, below is an example of working from Eastern Canada, which is a much more efficient way to transport troops - I put it in quotes so that it is easier to read the whole thing. This is only meant to show the overall strategy, not be a specific turn-for-turn build, so for simplicity’s sake I have made two assumptions:

    1.) Everything is being dropped of in a friendly Ireland, just to show total numbers. In reality, the troops would either be going to Norway, Western Europe, or Algeria based on the specific tactical situation of each turn.

    2.) Japan is not going to inturrupt this supply chain. Of couse a good Japanese player will, but covering those responses is a completely different topic. Suffice it to say that the US should deal with the Japanese interference with as little disruption to the strategy below as possible.

    1. USA (36 IPCs)
    Buy 12 Infantry.
    Move Armor to Eastern Canada
    US Transport - 2 Infantry to Ireland
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 34 IPCs
    Total Troops in Ireland: 2 Infantry
    Total Troops in Eastern Canada: 1 Armor
    Total Troops in Eastern US: 12 Infantry
    North Sea: 1 Transport
    US East Coast: nothing

    2. USA (34 IPCs)
    Buy: 2 Transports, 6 infantry
    Move 12 infantry from Eastern US to Eastern Canada
    North Sea Transport - 1 Armor to Ireland
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 32 IPCs
    Total Troops in Ireland: 2 Infantry, 1 Armor
    Total Troops in Eastern Canada: 12 Infantry
    Total Troops in Eastern US: 6 Infantry
    North Sea: 1 Transport
    US East Coast: 2 Transports

    3. USA (32 IPCs)
    Buy: 1 Transport, 8 Infantry
    NS Transport - 2 Infantry from Eastern Canada to Ireland
    US Transports - 4 Infantry from Eastern US to Ireland
    Move 2 Infantry from Eastern US to Eastern Canada
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 32 IPCs
    Total Troops in Ireland: 8 Infantry, 1 Armor
    Total Troops in Eastern Canada: 12 Infantry
    Total Troops in Eastern US: 8 Infantry
    North Sea: 3 Transports
    US East Coast: 1 Transport

    4. USA (32 IPCs)
    Buy: 1 Transport, 8 Infantry
    NS Transports - 6 Infantry from Eastern Canada to Ireland
    US Transport - 2 Infantry from Eastern US to Ireland
    Move 6 Infantry to Eastern Canada
    Remaining IPCs: 0
    Income: 32 IPCs
    Total Troops in Ireland: 16 Infantry, 1 Armor
    Total Troops in Eastern Canada: 12 Infantry
    Total Troops in Eastern US: 8 Infantry
    North Sea: 4 Transports
    US East Coast: 1 Transport

    5. USA (32 IPCs)
    Buy: 10 infantry
    NS Transports - 8 Infantry from Eastern Canada to Ireland
    US Transport – 2 Infantry from Eastern US to Ireland
    Move 6 Infantry to Eastern Canada
    Remaining IPCs: 2
    Income: 32 IPCs
    Total Troops in Ireland: 26 Infantry, 1 Armor
    Total Troops in Eastern Canada: 10 Infantry
    Total Troops in Eastern US: 10 Infantry
    North Sea: 5 Transports
    US East Coast: nothing

    6. USA (34 IPCs)
    Buy: 10 infantry
    Transport 10 Infantry from Eastern Canada to Ireland
    Move 10 Infantry to Eastern Canada
    Remaining IPCs: 4
    Income: 32 IPCs
    Total Troops in Ireland: 36 Infantry, 1 Armor
    Total Troops in Eastern Canada: 10 Infantry
    Total Troops in Eastern US: 10 Infantry
    North Sea: 5 Transports
    US East Coast: nothing

    Repeat Turn 6

    Now, this isn’t perfect but you get the idea. Ignore the tactical specifics of each turn and think of this as a generic template, then change the strategy to that of your own - hitting Algeria on US2 and Western Europe on US4 with big waves. You can shuffle around the transport buys and get different numbers of troops over to the Western Theater on different turns.

    Also, you still don’t have to transport troops every turn if you just want to hit with a giant wave, but working from Eastern Canada will give you the option - which you currently don’t have. Plus you will be able to follow up a big landing with more reinforcements the next turn instead of just sending them back to the US East Coast.


    The short version of all this is that if you get your troops to Eastern Canada and deploy from there, you can hit somewhere every turn.

    Also, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the Infantry Push on Germany strategy, UK can follow a similar strategy with smaller amounts of infantry and transports. Tag along with the US troops, and send everything along the following route: Norway -> Karelia -> Eastern Europe -> Germany. Unless you are playing with rules to help out the Axis like bidding, you can win 90% of your games this way. It will take a while if Germany is smart and builds mostly infantry, but if they buy too many tanks or send too much to Africa they will fall like a house of cards.

    “A clever military leader will succeed in many cases in choosing defensive positions of such an offensive nature from the strategic point of view that the enemy is compelled to attack us in them.” - Moltke

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-30 15:33 ]

  • TG Boozer!
    Your strategy for US sucks@Q@
    You suck! America sucks! i will kill you like adolf hitler! –---- Osoma!!!

  • Nice - that’s the first dumbass kiddie-post I’ve seen in this forum - until now I thought we were all mature. I’m hoping Yanny can delete crap like this?

    Thanks for your intelligent contribution to the discussion.

    “A clever military leader will succeed in many cases in choosing defensive positions of such an offensive nature from the strategic point of view that the enemy is compelled to attack us in them.” - Moltke

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-30 14:09 ]

  • its a canadian i think, hes infecting the forum with absurdity… Maybe the forum should require peaple to register before writing message, but thats only my humble opinion i dont want to tell you want to do.

  • I forgot to mention one of the most important factors! By having your transports operate from the North Sea, every turn you are threatening…

    Western Europe
    Eastern Europe

    … with a one-two punch from the UK and US, or a one-two-three punch to Eastern Europe with Russia!

    “A clever military leader will succeed in many cases in choosing defensive positions of such an offensive nature from the strategic point of view that the enemy is compelled to attack us in them.” - Moltke

    [ This Message was edited by: Ansbach on 2002-05-30 15:22 ]

  • “TG Boozer!
    Your strategy for US sucks@Q@”

    First of all, I know my strategies aren’t perfect. I know that. That’s why I posted them and hope to find some suggestions and comments. But at least I take pride in what I do, which is more than what I can say for you.

  • FinsterniS, this is the first time I’ve seen you here. Welcome to a new domain :smile:
    I’m intrested on what you have to say on the game strategies and principles.

  • Ansbach
    Yeah, I guess you’re right. However this is one of four strategies. The second one is the expected “Let’s help our Commie Friends” (some ATB), the third “Japan, this is for Pearl Harbor” (a boatload of ATB), and “Whacky Fun Hour” (I’m not even going to get into this).

    Now in “Let’s help our Commie Friends,” I do use your principles. That means to continuous stream of forces from Eastern Canada. However, the main problem is two other Fronts, Western Europe and Africa. With Africa, it is hard to liberate the continent with a limited supply of infantry on the first few turns or wait until the later turns when I have sufficiently built a transport force. This gives the German an advantage. 11 IPCs per turn make up for 2 inf per turn. Under my strat I am hitting the German as soon as possible.

    Then we have Western Europe. Now there’s nothing wrong with your strat. I use a slightly different variation of it myself in fact. However, sometimes I don’t like the Russians getting all the credit and keeping some “historically realism.” Now under your strat I can only get 10 inf or maybe 12 into Western Europe per turn. That is simply not enough to take Western Europe, especially if the German plans for it ahead of time. Under my strat. I hit Germany with such overwhelming force that the only way they can possibly stop it is with fighter defense – and even then the outcome is very unlikely for them. This takes away too much from the Eastern Front, which also needs those fighters. And when Germany can’t take back Western Europe, the 6 IPC loss is unbearable for him. He has lost the game and must hold out for long as possible in Germany itself.

  • “you can swing around South America very early and tie up the US in the Atlantic for a few turns with a pretty large navy operating out of South Africa. I believe he’s saying your strategy is overly susceptible to it.”

    I will work to correct and counterstroke that move as soon as possible. Be sure to respond with my answer as soon as possible.

  • Well, your strategy doesn’t allocate extra defense to hold against Japaneese BBs/Carriers in the 3rd or 4th turn. That force establishing a South African IC, and defending it, is going to be hard to Oust, and Germany is going to have a few turns of breathing space.

  • “That force establishing a South African IC, and defending it, is going to be hard to Oust, and Germany is going to have a few turns of breathing space.”

    If this happens, then I mentioned it in my notes. Here we go

    “Depending on the strength of the German presence, you may want to refrain from these attacks and instead just try to take Libya. If you find that the German may be too powerful to handle even with 6 inf., 1 ARM, you may consider moving the 2 ftrs and 1 bomber from Britain to Algeria or even hold off on the Normandy Invasion for a turn.”

    Even then my strat has a fail safe against such a defense. Again, I help slow the Japan down and force the Germans to further divert forces in Africa (taking away somewhat from Russia depending on how much they want to devot in order to counter). As for the Japanese IC, that’s 15 IPCs and a transport just to move forces to take South Africa. Then there’s operation cost. After the first turn, Japan can only supply 2 inf or 2 ARM.

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