Re: Field Marshal Games Pieces Project Discussion thread

  • '10

    The Italians arrived today! Only eleven months after the pre-order. Photo is the Italian fleet during our current game.


  • '10

    Some of the Italians in the Med. area. The plastic is a might softer then the OOB units. A few of the subs and destroyers were bent. I can bend them back but thet do not stay straight. A heat gun will be required to fix them but you will have to be very carefull with the heat. Might have to use a little weight on them till they cool. The weight cannot be too much as it might mash the masts and conning towers.


  • I notice you used my idea about cutting off the Table tactics infantry guns and making fortifications. Good idea. That’s all they are really good for anyway. If only Jack knew!

  • '10


    I notice you used my idea about cutting off the Table tactics infantry guns and making fortifications. Good idea. That’s all they are really good for anyway. If only Jack knew!

    Yes they work great for forts. I still have a bunch of those things that have not been converted yet. I thought he knew that we were doing that.

  • Customizer

    I have a lot of experience with painting miniatures… and I have to say, for plastics of this scale these Italians are the best WWII pieces I’ve seen.  Not sure if anyone has mentioned or noticed this.  I love how the infantry is actually proportionally correct - so many wargaming minis of this size (plastic and metals) suffer from what I call the “apish bodies” (super long torso, big heads - usually too tall as well).  The detail is likewise top notch, was making some comparisons to the historical units they’re modeled after… nice.  Good stuff FMG  :-D

  • @cminke:

    the order is , and correct me if im wrong,
    germany(almost done)

    i think theres supposed to be china als, also anyone want to post pics up with the Italians compared to the OOB counterparts?

  • Customizer

    I plan to do that as soon as my Italian pieces get here.

    Oh yeah, I think they might make a China set along with the Commons set (ICs, Air bases, Naval bases, etc.).  I think this is because the Chinese will only need infantry, artillery and fighters, maybe tanks.

  • @Fishmoto37:

    Some of the Italians in the Med. area. The plastic is a might softer then the OOB units. A few of the subs and destroyers were bent. I can bend them back but thet do not stay straight. A heat gun will be required to fix them but you will have to be very carefull with the heat. Might have to use a little weight on them till they cool. The weight cannot be too much as it might mash the masts and conning towers.

    A little trick for straightening and forming plastic (and getting it to stay) is to have a bowl of ice water nearby.  Heat up the plastic just enough to allow it to bend to the shape you want then immediately dunk it in the ice water.

    If done right this should make it hold the new shape without ever going back to what it was before.

    I’ve had to do this with several of my OOB pieces in the past.

  • Customizer

    I’ve used that same trick for some of my A&A Naval Miniatures and it usually works pretty good.  You wouldn’t believe how some of the little destroyers get warped.

  • @Fishmoto37:

    The Italians arrived today! Only eleven months after the pre-order. Photo is the Italian fleet during our current game.

    w00t!!! They’re coming /drool

  • the infantry look alot smaller than oob or Hgb’s infantry hopefully fmg will make them bigger with their upcoming sets

  • Customizer


    the infantry look alot smaller than oob or Hgb’s infantry hopefully fmg will make them bigger with their upcoming sets

    I humbly disagree, they are to scale with oob.  What’s more, they don’t have the stubby legs and big heads of a lot of other small minis, which I’m really happy about  :-D  Besides, it makes more sense to produce all the nations in the same scale…

  • welll they are italians…

  • Customizer


    I really like your expression about supporting FMG and HBG,…and it rhymes, too!
    And of course I couldn’t agree more.  You might even start a 2nd career as a “jingle” writer.

    “Tall Paul”

  • and i need the money to support hbg and fmg….maby i should make a deal with them…free pieces for free jigles… i got this one off a slogan maker , 8 out of 10 pet owners said there cats prefer MFG combat units.  and … have you had your daily dose of FMG combat units today? im even working on a song baised off of the struglle between FMG and the factories,  as well as the in put from the forums…lol

  • omg  just saw this and had to post……PUT FMG IN YOU TANK…ITS THE RIGHT CHOICE…LMFAO


  • Customizer



    the infantry look alot smaller than oob or Hgb’s infantry hopefully fmg will make them bigger with their upcoming sets

    I humbly disagree, they are to scale with oob.  What’s more, they don’t have the stubby legs and big heads of a lot of other small minis, which I’m really happy about  :-D  Besides, it makes more sense to produce all the nations in the same scale…

    I noticed that too.  Just a hair smaller.  But if you replace all your pieces with FMG’s, then what would it matter?

    No one would ever notice, anyway.  Not an issue to me.

  • @Viracocha:


    the infantry look alot smaller than oob or Hgb’s infantry hopefully fmg will make them bigger with their upcoming sets

    I humbly disagree, they are to scale with oob.  What’s more, they don’t have the stubby legs and big heads of a lot of other small minis, which I’m really happy about  :-D  Besides, it makes more sense to produce all the nations in the same scale…

    yeah i see hat your saying and I don’t want to sound like i’m complaining to much. Plus I love every other unit, but if you put coach’s marines next to FMGs Italians its quite a difference. i proboly will just buy a set and sell the infantry OR just buy all the other units from HGB.

  • Has everybody got their Italians yet? I am still waiting. Everyday I can’t wait to see if they are on the front door. I ordered 1 set and the new style money.  Just curious.

  • TripleA '12

    I’m still waiting for mine but I’m in th U.K. I’ll sure as hell shout when I get 'em though.

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